We categorized each response as a hit or a false alarm, and the false alarm trials were further divided into “cousin” and “new,” depending on whether subjects erred on the object that shared the target's name or the new objects.
Figure 4 shows the results, separately for each presentation duration and scene context condition.
We first conducted an ANOVA on the overall accuracy (hit rate), with scene context (present vs. absent) and presentation duration (250 ms or self-paced) as between-subject factors. We observed a significant main effect of scene context, with higher accuracy in the context-absent condition, F(1,28) = 5.88, p < .022. The main effect of presentation duration was also significant, with higher accuracy in the self-paced condition, F(1,28) = 48.13, p < .001. The interaction between the two factors was not significant, F < 1, suggesting that increasing the presentation duration was beneficial for both context-present and context-absent conditions. On average, subjects in the self-paced condition took 13.7 s to view an image when the scene context was present and 13.2 s to view an image when the scene context was absent. These two values were not significantly different from each other, t(14) = 0.21, p > .50. Of the 16 individuals who were tested in the self-paced condition, we observed a significant correlation between viewing duration and accuracy, r = .54, p < .029. That is, those observers who viewed the sample scene longer also had higher accuracy.
How much did verbal memory contribute to performance in this experiment? If subjects only remembered the objects' names, they would be more likely to commit false alarms on “cousin” objects that shared the target's name than on “new” objects. An ANOVA on error type (cousin vs. new), scene context (present vs. absent), and presentation duration (250 ms or self-paced) revealed no main effect of error type, F(1,28) <1, ns. In addition, error type did not significantly interact with other experimental factors, all F values <1.1, p values >.30. Thus, there was no evidence that subjects succeeded in the task simply by remembering the names of the viewed objects.
Finally, we estimated the number of visual objects held in VWM in each condition. Suppose the number of items retained was
N, where
N is less than the total number of items presented (10). If the target object happened to be among the
N items retained, then accuracy would approach 100%. But if the target object happened to be the other items not retained in memory, then accuracy would be at chance (25%). Thus, the following equation holds:
Plugging in a subject's accuracy allowed us to solve N for that subject. When a consistent context was presented, subjects retained about 0.67 objects when viewing a display for 250 ms and 5.33 objects when viewing a display for as long as they wanted. When a scene context was absent, subjects retained about 2.1 objects when viewing a display for 250 ms and 7.41 objects when viewing a display for a longer duration.