Bistable perception arises when a stimulus can be interpreted in two distinct ways. Two experimental situations have been specifically designed to produce bistable perception. First, the stimulus can be such that it does not contain enough information to lead to a unique interpretation. Examples of such ambiguous stimuli are the Necker cube (Necker,
1832; Attneave,
1971) and other three-dimensional objects (e.g., Mamassian & Landy,
2001). The second experimental situation occurs when the stimulus contains conflicting information about the plausible interpretations. Examples of such rivalrous stimuli include those presented during binocular rivalry (e.g., Wade,
1975a; Tong,
2001; Blake & Logothetis,
2002) and those where depth cues are in conflict (van Ee, Adams, & Mamassian,
A full explanation of bistable perception involves an understanding of why one of the percepts is perceived first and why percepts alternate at a particular rate when the stimulus is continuously presented for a long time. These two aspects of bistability are most likely intertwined: The stronger a percept is, the more likely it will be perceived first and perceived more often once the percepts start to alternate. Therefore, the mechanisms responsible for the selection of the first percept and the rate of reversal to the other are likely to involve common structures, although this has yet to be demonstrated empirically.
The tools used to measure ambiguous and rivalrous perception are however still rudimentary. Most measures are based on the concept of the phase duration, which is the length of time during which one percept is sustained. In his influential monograph on binocular rivalry, Levelt (
1965) uses the mean dominance duration (the mean of the phase durations), the relative predominance (percentage of the total viewing time that one percept is reported), and the alternation rate. A more detailed picture is obtained by reporting the whole distribution of phase durations. Like most time distributions (Leopold & Logothetis,
1999), this distribution is positively skewed, that is, short durations are more frequent than long ones (see
Figure 2 below). There are thus several valid probability distribution functions that can be used to fit the distribution of phase durations (De Marco et al.,
1977), among which the most popular are the gamma (e.g., Levelt,
1967) and lognormal (e.g., Lehky,
1995) distributions. Bestfitting parameters are then used to summarize the data.
Phase durations provide an important description of bistable perception. Short phases are an indication of an unstable system, and thus the search for the conditions that affect perceptual stability benefits from the analysis of phase durations or alternation rates (e.g., Blake, Sobel, & Gilroy,
2003). There are however two issues with focusing on phase durations to study bistable perception.
First, the distribution of phase durations does not really represent the dynamics of bistability because the times at which the durations were recorded are not taken into account. Even if consecutive phase durations are uncorrelated (e.g., Fox & Hermann,
1967), the distribution cannot capture slow variations in the rate of reversals (see discussion on
stationarity below). It is therefore appropriate to look for an alternative measure that preserves the order of events.
The second issue arises once the distribution is fitted with a gamma or other distribution. Surprisingly, these parameters are often left completely uninterpreted. One consistent finding, though, is that the two parameters of the gamma distribution (
λ and
r; see
Figure 2) are strongly correlated (Borsellino et al.,
1972; De Marco et al.,
1977) and often identical. While the reason for this correlation is still not clear, it does indicate that the gamma distribution has one degree of freedom too many.
In this study, we propose a simple method to record and analyze bistable data. We argue that the analyzing method satisfactorily addresses the two concerns highlighted above. Even though the analysis is relatively independent of the way the data have been obtained, we also present a straightforward way to record the observer’s percept at regular intervals.
The usual approach in studying bistable perception is to ask observers to press one of two keys whenever their percept changes. With this method, there is a potential danger of contamination of the perceptual data with the motor responses. For instance, the observers could reevaluate the stimulus whenever they press a key to reassure themselves that their response really matches their percept, and this in turn might accelerate the reversal rate. On the contrary, observers could momentarily release their attentional focus, and potentially slow down their reversal rate. One way to avoid the contamination of bistable perception with motor responses, including eye movements and blinks, is to use afterimages (Wade,
1975b). However, this method is not appropriate if one is interested in the changing percept with time. We propose here an alternative way to record the observer’s time-varying percepts.
In short, the method is as follows. Observers are presented with an ambiguous stimulus and are prompted to report their percept repeatedly at the sound of an auditory beep. The beeps are separated by an average of 2 s with a random temporal jitter to preclude anticipation. Several runs are recorded in this way for each experimental condition. The analysis then consists of computing a survival probability, namely the probability that one percept for one beep time survives onto the next beep. This survival probability is computed for the whole duration of the run, thereby providing an instantaneous representation of the perceptual dynamics. Two main aspects can then be extracted from this survival probability: a time constant reflecting the time to reach a stationary regime, and an asymptotic value reflecting the mean survival probability in the stationary regime.
Next we provide the details of the method and apply it to a classical case of binocular rivalry. In particular, we describe how the method can be used to test Levelt’s second proposition. We conclude with a discussion of the merits of our method over the more traditional approach of reporting the parameters of the gamma distribution.