Although the increased errors in focus for near targets were evident for all the subjects, the exact value of the accommodative lag, as well as the resting state of accommodation (represented by the intersection in the stimulus/response curves), showed a significant intersubject variability, confirming previous research (e.g., for a review, see Charman,
1995). The magnitude of focusing errors, however, was somewhat higher than reported in early studies. This is not surprising because accommodative lag is expected to increase with monocular viewing (Jaschinski,
2001) and when retinal disparity and convergence, which also drive accommodative response (Fincham & Walton,
1957), are not in play. Moreover, the accuracy of accommodative response is known to depend on stimulus characteristics, such as luminance (Johnson,
1976) contrast (Tucker & Charman,
1987; Ward,
1987), color (Aggarwala et al.,
1995), and spatial frequency (Charman & Tucker,
1977), of the target. As a consequence, the fairly large target (1.75° angular size) used in the present study might have produced focusing errors of higher magnitude. Furthermore, early measurements of accommodative response were taken with auto-refractometers, which record sphero-cylindrical refraction over a small measurement zone, resulting in an underestimation of the focusing errors at higher accommodation levels (Collins,
2001; Hazel et al.,