The results are presented in
Figure 2. Because we expressed cumulative dominance of rival targets as percentages of total presentation time, we performed an arc-sine transformation on percentages to approximate normally distributed data. Next we subtracted cumulative dominance of the motion target in the no-surround condition from its cumulative dominance in each of the surround conditions. As a result, negative values indicate a decrease and positive values indicate an increase in predominance of the motion target. Note that the data for the stationary rival targets are symmetrical—performing the same transformation on cumulative dominance of the static target (arc-sinus transformation followed by no-surround subtraction) gives the same data, but with opposite sign.
Next we analyzed whether adding same-direction motion decreased cumulative dominance of the motion target (indicating inhibition), and whether opposite direction increased dominance (indicating facilitation). For all same-direction surrounds, dominance of the motion target was significantly smaller than zero, indicating inhibition (smallest, T(31) > 4.5; largest, p < .001). For opposite-direction surrounds, only the two largest surround sizes for 50% and 100% contrast led to a significant increase of dominance of the motion target (smallest, T(31) > 3.4; largest, p < .001).
Next we analyzed the influence of increasing size of surround and contrast of center and surround on predominance of the motion target. Applying a repeated measurements ANOVA with all factors (same- and opposite-direction surround, three surround widths, and three luminance contrasts) resulted in significant main effects of surround motion direction, F(1,31) = 172.0, p < .001, and surround width, F(2,30) = 5.5, p = .006, as well as significant interactions between surround motion direction and surround width, F(2,30) = 14.5, p < .001, and between surround motion direction, luminance contrast, and surround width, F(4,28) = 3.1, p = .02.
To understand the influence of size and contrast on each surround-motion direction, we analyzed the two motion directions separately. For same-direction surround motion, we observed a significant main effect of surround width,
F(2,30) = 11.1,
p < .001, and a significant interaction between luminance contrast and surround width,
F(4,28) = 3.4,
p = .01.
Figure 2 shows that increasing the size of the surround decreases the dominance of the motion target at 50% and 100% contrast. However, at 5%, contrast dominance durations show a U-shape with increasing size. Note that there is no overall increase in dominance of the motion target with increasing contrast.
For opposite-direction surround motion, a significant main effect of surround width was observed, F(2,30) = 4.5, p = .02; increasing the width of the surround increases dominance of the motion target.