In this section, we formally derive a basic statistical model of the process that generates the data. The object of interest is a
parametric psychometric function F(
x,θ) parameterized by
θ, which maps the stimulus intensity
x to the [0,1] interval. This function is commonly chosen to have a sigmoidal form like cumulative density functions of various probability distributions. We will discuss several common choices below in
Parameterization and prior distributions.
The psychometric function relates the observer’s response to stimulus intensity. In an
nAFC experimental setting, there is a
chance probability πc that the observer “guesses” the correct answer independent of the stimulus. This probability of making the correct guess is usually
πc = 1/
n, where
n is the number of possible choices (the
n in
nAFC. In a long sequence of experimental trials, the observer occasionally
lapses (i.e., makes a random choice independent of the stimulus). In vision experiments an obvious example is blinking while the stimulus is presented. This probability of lapsing
πl is a nuisance parameter, but it is necessary to take its effect into account in statistical modeling as shown by Wichmann and Hill (
We now have all quantities for a basic model to relate the psychometric function
F to the probability of giving the correct answer in a single
nAFC stimulus presentation. Given the stimulus intensity
x, the event of correct discrimination is a Bernoulli variable with probability of success equal to
x,θ) characterizes the change of discriminability as a function of the stimulus intensity. The model comes in the form of a mixture of two Bernoulli distributions, which is again a Bernoulli distribution. With probability
πl the observer lapses and has chance
πc to guess the correct answer. With probability (1 −
πl) the observer does not lapse and has a chance of (1 −
πc, which is
x,θ) scaled to the [
πc,1] interval, to give the correct answer.
The psychophysical experiment can be seen as a sequence of such Bernoulli trials. Often only a small number {
xk} of distinct stimulus intensities are used in an experiment, which allows a more compact representation. By aggregating the trials for identical stimulus intensities, we compress the data to a set of triples
D = {(
i = 1,…,
k} such that at contrast
xi we conducted
Ni trials and observed
ni correct responses. Because
ni is a sum of Bernoulli variables, it has a binomial distribution
where Ψ is given by
Equation 1.
Equation 2 describes the assumed generative model of the data (i.e., the
sampling distribution). Furthermore, read as a function of
θ and
πl for observed
D, we refer to it as the
likelihood of the binomial mixture model.
What we have described thus far is the standard binomial mixture model for parametric psychometric functions as assumed in virtually every study on psychometric function fitting (e.g., Klein,
2001; Maloney,
1990; Treutwein & Strasburger,
1999)-except for the addition of the nuisance parameter
πl (Wichmann & Hill,
2001a). Furthermore, this model is easy to analyze and efficient to implement. Nevertheless, in data analysis one should always be aware of the model’s assumptions, and the conclusions drawn from an analysis should obviously not be trusted more than the assumptions they are based on, whether we apply Bayesian inference or any other statistical method. For example, the assumption that for a given stimulus intensity the Bernoulli trials all have the same probability of success ignores adaptation processes, learning, and other forms of nonstationarity. For well-trained psychophysical observers this assumption is justified (Blackwell,
1952), but for naïve observers it may not always hold true, and the residuals of the fit have to be examined in detail (Wichmann & Hill,
2001a). A second potential worry concerns the choice or assumption of a particular parametric form of
F. Typically, there are few a priori reasons to favor one sigmoidal function over another. In practice, however, the estimates of threshold and slope of the psychometric function rarely differ significantly from one
F to another (Wichmann & Hill,