When a saccade is made to a spatially extended two-dimensional (2D) target under instructions to “look at the target as a whole” (instructions designed to capture what happens when people look from object to object during natural viewing), the line of sight lands, on average, near the center of gravity (COG)
1 with precision comparable to that obtained with single target points (He & Kowler,
1991; Kowler & Blaser,
1995; McGowan et al.,
1998; Melcher & Kowler,
1999; Vishwanath et al.,
2000; Vishwanath & Kowler,
2003). It is, of course, possible to aim a saccade at a variety of selected locations within target objects (He & Kowler,
1991), but when saccades are made to the target as a whole, the consistency of landing positions (
SDs 7–10% of eccentricity) and the proximity of landing positions to the COG (average errors < 10% eccentricity) suggest that landing positions are computed by averaging across all stimulated locations within the selected target. Such performance has been obtained with structured targets, such as simple forms (Kowler & Blaser,
1995; Melcher & Kowler,
1999), and with unstructured targets, such as configurations of random dots (McGowan et al.,
1998), and is obtained even when the COG lies outside the boundaries of the form (Vishwanath & Kowler,
2003). The COG is a better predictor of landing position than alternatives based on features, such as local landmarks, bisectors, or the symmetric axis (McGowan et al.,
1998; Melcher & Kowler,
1999; Vishwanath & Kowler,
2003). Earlier studies (e.g., Findlay,
1982; Ottes, Van Gisbergen, & Eggermont,
1985; Coëffé & O’Regan,
1987) implicated COG tendencies to explain the saccadic errors that result when saccades are made to targets in the presence of distractors (for a critique, see He & Kowler,
1989; Vishwanath & Kowler,