These results indicate that rivalry is a complex interaction between (at least) two processes, with different time constants. As a result, flip-triggered noise averages show a biphasic profile. At short latencies relative to flips, the effect is consistent with mutual inhibition, at longer latencies the sign of the effect reverses and is consistent with an adaptation effect. This seems counterintuitive at first but makes sense considering differences in dynamics between adaptation and mutual inhibition. To gain further insight in the interactions between adaptation and mutual inhibition underlying the flip-triggered averages, we performed a simple model study in which we simulate the experiments described above.
The sole aim of the model simulation was to show that a minimal model already shows the behavior we observed, indicating that it reflects a key property of rivalry mechanisms. Other constraints will surely require more sophisticated models but that is of no concern here.
Figure 4 shows a diagram of the rivalry model, which is a simplified version of previously proposed rivalry models (Lehky,
1988; Matsuoka,
1984; Wilson,
2003). It consists of two processing streams (or “neurons”), one for the left eye and one for the right eye. Each neuron receives the coherence level as input. In the model, processing for left and right eye is similar and to a high degree independent, except for the mutual negative feedback. Signals in each stream pass adaptation, a filter stage, and a compression stage. A Weber-type of adaptation is implemented by dividing the input by the sum of fixed constant,
c, and a low-pass filtered version of the input. The time constant for adaptation,
τad, determines to a large extent the mean duration of dominance intervals. It was set to 1 s. To account for low temporal resolution and long temporal integration times in motion coherence detection, we included a low-pass filter with a time constant
τi of 500 ms. The low-pass filtered activity level is converted into a final output by a nonlinear, Naka–Rushton type of compression stage (
), where
c (set to 0.5) determines the position and
n (set to 2) determines the width of the operating range. The final comparison stage reports a flip whenever the balance of responses reverses. The feedback is characterized by a gain factor (set to 96). An additional filter stage was included in the feedback path but its time constant,
τfb, was short (20 ms) relative to the other time constants and therefore less influential. The model contains no intrinsic noise sources, and no response latency between flip detection and “button press” was included.
The model was simulated numerically, feeding it the same coherence modulations that were used in the psychophysical experiments and using the same procedures for analysis. Model parameters were roughly adjusted by hand to fit the results qualitatively. No attempt was made to quantitatively match the data or to build a model that explains a large body of other experimental findings.
Figure 5 shows the rivalrous model behavior. Mutual inhibition in combination with adaptation results in an unstable flip-flop in which dominance regularly flips from one eye to the other. Note that we did not introduce an internal noise source either, which resulted in a quite narrow spread of interval durations.
Yet, this simple model reproduces many of the characteristics found in the real data (see
Figure 6). Profiles are biphasic and show a similar asymmetry for modulations in the suppressed and dominant stimuli. The timing of correlations obviously deviates from the psychophysical data: the peak correlation occurs at
because no response latency was introduced. Thus, the difference in latency between model and real data reveals the response latency between the occurrence of internal (low-level) flips and the time of button presses. Peak latencies for different observers varied from 380 to 620 ms (mean 560 ± 127 ms,
). The zero crossings for the nonsuppressed signals were very consistent across observers (between 1600 and 1700 ms before button presses). Zero crossings for the suppressed signals showed a similar variation in latency as the positive modulation peaks: varying between 900 and 1350 ms.