The functional integration of color and motion information has been investigated in a number of other paradigms, using behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging methods. Evidence for mostly independent processing of color and motion comes from psychophysical studies on temporal asynchronies in visual perception (Arnold & Clifford,
2002; Arnold, Clifford, & Wenderoth,
2001; Moutoussis & Zeki,
1997; Nishida & Johnston,
2002; Viviani & Aymoz,
2001). Moutoussis and Zeki (
1997) used moving objects that change their direction of motion and color. Although these changes would occur in perfect synchrony in some trials, they were shifted by different time lags with respect to each other in other trials. Psychophysical measures of the point of subjective synchrony revealed that motion changes have to happen 70–80 ms earlier than color changes for them to be perceived as occurring simultaneously. Exploiting the color-contingent motion aftereffect as an indirect measure of perceptual synchrony, Arnold et al. (
2001) demonstrated a similar amount of processing lag for color and motion attributes of a stimulus. Such asynchronies in perception are taken as evidence for independent processing of color and motion signals and for a functional specialization of the visual brain areas (Zeki & Bartels,
1998, but see also Bedell, Chung, Ogmen, & Patel,
2003). In contrast, a number of studies have demonstrated functional interactions between the color and motion processing systems (for reviews, see Croner & Albright,
1999a; Dobkins & Albright,
1993a). If the two streams were functionally separate, the perception of a moving object should be impossible if object and background are isoluminant. This prediction has been rejected in behavioral experiments (Dobkins & Albright,
1993b; Hawken, Gegenfurtner, & Tang,
1994). Furthermore, corresponding neurophysiological studies have shown that neurons in the medial temporal area (MT), which is strongly implicated in the perception of visual motion (Salzman, Britten, & Newsome,
1990; Salzman, Murasugi, Britten, & Newsome,
1992), continue to signal the direction of motion of heterochromatic stimuli even under conditions of isoluminance (Dobkins & Albright,
1994; Gegenfurtner et al.,
1994; Saito, Tanaka, Isono, Yasuda, & Mikami,
1989). Similarly, it has been demonstrated that color information can improve perceptual performance: Psychometric and neurometric detection thresholds in coherent motion displays are strongly reduced if dots carrying the motion signal and random noise can be segmented based on different but isoluminant colors (Croner & Albright,
1999b). The chromatic influence on motion processing can be strong, particularly under conditions of low luminance contrast (Thiele, Dobkins, & Albright,
2001), and is independent of attentional load (Thiele, Rezec, & Dobkins,
2002). Whereas some studies have shown a more prominent contribution of color information to motion processing for stimuli modulated along the red–green cardinal axis in color space (i.e., with L- and M-cone input; Gegenfurtner et al.,
1994; Ruppertsberg, Wuerger, & Bertamini,
1993, but see also Lu, Lesmes, & Sperling,
1999 for an alternative account), others have also documented reliable effects for stimuli modulated along the yellowish-violet axis (i.e., with S-cone input; Seidemann & Newsome,
1999; Wandell et al.,
1999). Taken together, these studies demonstrate that color information is available to the visual motion processing system. Likewise, it has been shown that some neurons in the ventral stream area V4, which is mainly specialized for the processing of orientation and color, are direction selective (Desimone & Schein,
1987; Ferrera, Rudolph, & Maunsell,
1994; Mountcastle, Motter, Steinmetz, & Sestokas,
1987; Tolias, Keliris, Smirnakis, & Logothetis,
2005). Together, these findings provide strong evidence for shared neuronal resources for color and motion processing across the two visual streams, potentially representing a neural substrate for the perceptual integration of color and visual motion signals.