Several two-alternative forced-choice detection and discrimination experiments were performed. On each trial of all the experiments, there were two 86-ms-long temporal intervals, separated by a 250-ms pause. The signal to be detected, a horizontally orientated sinusoidal grating, was present in one of the two observation intervals. The observers' task was to choose the interval in which the signal had been presented by pressing one of two keys. The probability of the signal's being in the first interval was 0.5 on every trial. The contrast of the signal was fixed for blocks of 50 trials and then changed to determine four to eight points on the psychometric function relating the proportion of correct responses to signal contrast. The experiments were then repeated in a different order to obtain at least 500 observations per psychometric function for each observer. (In preliminary detection experiments, 100 observations per point were only obtained at two points immediately above and below the value corresponding to 75% correct to speed up exploration with the more experienced observer.) Including training, the results reported in this study are based on 65,650 trials for observer N.A.L., 23,335 for observer T.C.C., and 28,765 for observer G.B.H., who is one of the authors.
Different types of masking stimuli were presented in both observation intervals. One type of masking stimulus consisted of a sinusoid of the same orientation, spatial frequency, phase, and duration as the signal. The contrast of this masker, or pedestal as such a masker is sometimes called, was fixed, and 50-observation-per-point psychometric functions were obtained by varying the signal contrast. Then, the pedestal contrast was changed and the process was repeated for pedestal contrasts increasing from 0% to 32%. The process was repeated with decreasing pedestal contrast so that, in the end, psychometric functions with at least 500 observations were obtained. The observers' task was to choose the observation interval in which the signal had been added to the pedestal. Because the pedestal had the same spatial frequency, duration, orientation, and phase as the signal, the task became one of contrast discrimination. Only a 4-c/deg sinusoidal signal was used for this experiment.
A second type of masker consisted of one-dimensional Gaussian noise of the same (horizontal) orientation as the signal. The noise, when it was used, was presented in both observation intervals for the same 86-ms duration as the signal, and the observers' task was again to indicate the interval in which the sinusoidal signal was present. In some experiments, both the sinusoidal masker (pedestal) and the noise masker were used.
The stimuli were generated digitally and displayed carefully linearized displays, either on monochrome Clinton Monoray CRT displays—modified Richardson Electronics MR2000HB-MED CRT's with fast DP104 phosphor—(observers T.C.C. and G.B.H.) or on a Sony GDM-520 in monochrome mode (observer N.A.L.) using Cambridge Research Systems VSG 2/5 cards. Identical systems in Oxford and Tübingen were used. The stimuli were produced using a two-field frame (75-Hz frame rate for the Clinton displays, 70-Hz frame rate for the Sony display) with the masking noise, when present, produced in alternate fields. The signal, in the observation interval in which it was presented, as well as the pedestal, when present, was produced in the other field. In the nonsignal interval, and when neither masking noise nor pedestal was present, uniform fields replaced the signal, the noise, or the pedestal appropriately. The addition of neither the signal, nor the pedestal, nor the noise had any effect on the approximately 50 cd/m 2 mean luminance of the displays. The signal and the two masker types were all presented inside a common circularly symmetrical spatial Hanning window, the diameter of which subtended 6° of visual angle at the viewing distance of 1.6 m; the 86-ms temporal window was rectangular.
The first preliminary experiment measured contrast sensitivity as a function of the spatial frequency of the signal without any sinusoidal masker (pedestal) and was repeated in two noise conditions—one in which the noise-power density spectrum was flat to an 42.7-c/deg upper bound and one in which a nominal 2-octave notch centered geometrically on 4 c/deg was produced by adding a spectrally flat noise that had been low-pass filtered to remove components nominally above 2 c/deg to the same noise that had been high-pass filtered to remove components nominally below 8 c/deg. Filtering was performed in the frequency domain, and the noises then transformed to the space domain, suitably windowed (Rabiner & Gold,
1975), and rounded to the 8-bit dynamic range of our video memory (VRAM). Because of the finite dynamic range of the visual display system and the finite size of the stimuli, generation of notched noises is not trivial. In particular, Gaussian noise samples inevitably call for luminance values that exceed the dynamic range of the display system. Truncation at the boundaries of the dynamic range leads to clipping, which, if excessive, removes the notch. Reducing noise power reduces the amount of clipping but leaves both a less effective masker and fewer bits with which to represent the details of the filtered noise on which the characteristics of the notch depend. We generated a large number of noise samples and only kept those that had the following:
A suitably high noise-power density with a mean value (across the ensemble) equivalent to a Michelson contrast of approximately 3.4% at each spatial frequency in the discrete representation of the noise spectrum—the broadband noise with this mean spectral density raises the detection threshold for a 4-c/deg grating by a factor of about 8.
A suitably deep notch; the notched noises we kept had a width of at least 1.5 octaves and effectively lacked components between 2.67 and 7.5 c/deg.
An attenuation in the notch that was at least 35 dB below the noise power on either side of the notch.
A flat noise-power density spectrum in most of the passbands above and below the notch.
Figure 1 shows the noise-power density averaged over the 100 noises we used. The figure shows the spectrum after windowing and rounding. The standard deviation over the noise samples at each spatial frequency was below 5 dB. All stimuli were generated as 512 × 512 pixel arrays, which, at the viewing distance of 1.6 m, gave the diameter of the Hanning window within which the stimuli were viewed an angular subtense of 6.0°.
Figure 2 illustrates the stimuli. The upper panels show noises—the notched noise on the left and the broadband noise on the right. The middle panels are both copies of the sinusoidal grating to be detected, and the bottom panels show the sums of the signal and noises. The signal in the notched noise is more clearly visible than that in the broadband noise.