In each trial of a 2AFC experiment, an observer is shown two images and asked to identify the image representing the target.
Figure 1 shows the mean (noiseless) target and alternative profiles for the experiments reported here, which can be described as follows. For the detection task, we chose a mean target luminance field with a DOG signal profile. In this case, the mean alternative profile is a uniform flat field, and hence the difference signal is simply the DOG profile. For the contrast discrimination task, the observer had to discriminate a high-contrast DOG from one with slightly lower contrast. This also yields a difference signal that has the same DOG profile. For the identification task, the goal was to classify two Gaussian luminance profiles. The parameters of the two Gaussians (amplitudes and spatial standard deviations) were set so that the difference between them assumed the same DOG profile as the detection and contrast discrimination tasks. We refer to this as an identification task because it is equivalent to identifying which of the two Gaussian profiles is present at a given location.
In all cases, both target and alternative were rotationally symmetric (to the scale of display pixels), and hence well described by a radial profile. An attractive feature of a DOG difference signal is that it assumes a band-pass profile in spatial-frequency domain. By adjusting the parameters of the DOG, it is possible to tune the signal to spatial frequencies of interest. The frequency spectrum of the difference signal is plotted in
Figure 1D. Under the experimental conditions used for obtaining observer data (described below), the peak spectral intensity was at approximately 4 cycles per degree (cpd) of visual angle, with a bandwidth (full-width at half-max) of approximately 1.8 octaves. This peak spectral intensity was chosen to be roughly in the area of peak contrast sensitivity of the human visual system (Hood & Finkelstein,
1986; van Nes, Koenderink, Nas, & Bouman,
1967). Example target and alternative stimuli are shown in
Figure 2.
For the purpose of explanation, we will consider an image to be a column vector with the number of elements equal to the number of pixels in the image. We will refer to the noisy signal-present (target) image in the
jth trial by
gj+, and the signal-absent (alternative) image by
gj−. The trial index,
j, runs from 1 to the number of trials,
NT. These images are defined by
b is the task-dependent mean background intensity—including any common signal pedestal,
s is the difference signal, and
nj+ and
nj− are noise fields associated with each alternative. The profile of the difference signal is held constant across tasks although the contrast of the signal was adjusted from the results of pilot studies to achieve targeted levels of task performance. We utilize the method of constant stimuli, so the signal,
s, is unchanging throughout an experiment. Random number generators are used to create uncorrelated (white) Gaussian luminance noise with a pixel standard deviation of
σn. The noise fields in signal-present and signal-absent alternatives are independent of each other and independent across experimental trials as well.