Figure 2 shows the percentage of CCW responses for each level of deviation from a frame segment's mean orientation across all 2,000 trials for each observer. Recall that the mean orientations of the top and bottom segments were horizontal and the mean orientations of the right and left segments were vertical. For observer M.L., as the top segment is increasingly rotated CW, the proportion of CCW responses increases. All observers showed the same direction of effect for the top segment. For M.L., this effect was larger in magnitude (steeper slope) for the top segment as compared with other segments. Observers A.R. and K.G. showed a directional effect for the top segments that was opposite to those for the right and left segments. Observer A.A. directionally showed consistent effects that tended to be low in magnitude.
The direction of the effect for the top segment is consistent with what has been observed in the literature when single inducing lines are used. For example, Wenderoth and Curthoys (
1974) showed that a single inducing line that intersected a test line at an angle of 60 deg produced a perceived tilt of the vertical test line toward the inducing angle as if the angle between the two appeared to be less than it actually was. Gibson and Radner (
1937) showed that inducing lines intersecting the test line at angles approximately between 50 and 90 deg produced apparent tilts of the test line in the same direction, again as if the angle between the two lines perceptually contracted. In
Experiment 1, the top (and bottom) segments varied in their orientations with respect to the vertical test line across the range from 65 deg (CW orientation noise) to 115 deg (CCW orientation noise). Based on the prior literature, the relations between 65 and 90 deg would be expected to induce perceived CCW tilts and vice versa for the relations between 90 and 115 deg. In our data, all four of the observers showed increasing percentages of CCW responses as the top test line was rotated CW from its mean horizontal orientation. This means that the test line appeared to tilt in a direction that made it appear to intersect the top frame segment at an angle less than it would actually have if it had been spatially extended. In other words, variations in the orientation of the top segment around horizontal produced independent effects that were in the same direction as those observed in prior studies when single inducing lines were used.
The same cannot be said for the direction of the effects of the right and left segments for observers A.R. and K.G. In this case, the prior literature would predict that single inducing lines slightly perturbed from the vertical should make the test line appear to tilt in the opposite direction as if the angle between the two appeared to be expanded from its physical value (Carpenter & Blakemore,
1973). In our experiment, this would have resulted in increases in the proportion of CCW responses as the right and left segments had positive values of orientation noise added to them. Examination of
Figure 2 shows that observers A.R. and K.G. showed effects opposite to these predictions for their right and left segments, whereas observers M.L. and A.A. showed effects consistent with these predictions but with very weak effects.
Why might these differences from the prior literature have emerged in
Experiment 1? First, consider the weak-to-zero effects of the right and left segments for observers M.L. and A.A. In Wenderoth and Curthoys (
1974), a single inducing line oriented at 30 deg from the vertical actually produced no effect on the perceived tilt of the test line (see
Experiment 1, −30 deg condition; Wenderoth & Curthoys,
1974). Thus, the lack of large effects for the right and the left segments for observers M.L. and A.A. is at least similar to the weak effects of single, near-vertical inducing lines observed in at least one prior study.
However, the reversal of sign on these segments for observers A.R. and K.G. cannot be explained in this way. Rather, we note that consistently repulsive effects of small frame rotations on the apparent tilt of the test line have not always been observed. Rather, they appear to depend on the spatial and temporal parameters of the display. For example, Wenderoth et al. (
1975) observed slightly attractive effects for an inducing line oriented 15 deg CW from vertical when the inducing line was smaller than the test line, and this effect changed sign to a repulsive effect when the lengths of the inducing and test lines were more nearly equal. Spinelli, Antonucci, Daini, and Zoccolotti (
1995) showed that 30-deg rotations of a square inducing frame produced no tilt illusion for the central test line when the gap between the frame and the test line was small (20 arcmin), but this rotation actually produced perceived tilts in the direction of the frame rotation (attractive or indirect effects) when the gap was larger (2 deg of arc). Zoccolotti, Antonucci, and Spinelli (
1993) showed that there was a tendency for typically repulsive effects of frame rotations of as little as 22.5 deg to switch to attractive effects as the size of the frame was reduced and as the gap between the test line and the frame was increased. Wenderoth (
1974) noted that even with square frame rotations of 15–20 deg, whereas the majority of observers showed repulsive illusions, a small percentage of observers showed attractive illusions. In all of these studies, there is evidence then that stimulus factors can modulate the direction of the effect of rotations of either single lines or square frames and that there are individual differences in the sign of the illusion. Our frame segments were quite small relative to some of these prior studies (1.1 deg), with the implied square frame in
Experiment 1 being 1.65 deg on a side. It is possible that the small size of our stimuli and the very brief duration produced atypical effects at least for two of our observers.