To explain our results, we use a widely accepted model of the motion sensor (Adelson & Bergen,
1985) adding a differential processing stage which combines the outputs of sensors tuned to coarse and fine scales. The model contains spatial weighting functions and temporal impulse response functions. The spatial weighting function was a two-dimensional Gabor function (Watson & Ahumada,
The frequencies of the sensors were
ρ 0 ∈ {1, 3} cycles/deg. In the model below, we use the terms LF for the 1 cycle/deg sensors and HF for the 3 cycles/deg sensors. The function
γ is the gain of the sensor, where
γ (1) = 0.15 and
γ (3) = 1. The spreads of the Gaussian function
σ x and
σ y were obtained by the equations
B = 1 octave (full width at half-height) and
α = 30° (full width at half-height). The locations of the sensors were
x′ ∈ {−2°, −1°, 0°, 1°, 2°} and
y′ ∈ {−1.5°, 0°, 1.5°}. The total number of locations was a combination of
x′ ×
y′ = 15 locations. The orientations of the sensors were
θ 0 ∈ {−60°, −30°, 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°}. The model uses a quadrature pair of sensors
f 1 and
f 2. For
f 1 (
y), the phase was
φ 0 =
π/2 rad; and for
f 2 (
y), the phase was
φ 0 = 0 rad.
The temporal impulse response functions chosen,
h 1(
t) and
h 2(
t), were a quadrature pair. The equation of the slower function
h 2(
t) was taken from Adelson and Bergen (
k = 0.09 and
n = 3. The faster function,
t), was the quadrature pair of
t), calculated in the frequency domain by using the Hilbert transform (Watson & Ahumada,
The model starts by calculating the responses of a set of motion energy sensors to the stimulus. The set comprises sensors with two different center frequencies (1 and 3 cycles/deg) selective to six different orientations (−60°, −30°, 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°) located at 15 different locations. The response of a sensor with location
i and orientation
j was calculated from the inner product of the stimulus with the sensor spatial weighting function and the convolution of the stimulus with the temporal impulse response function
The operation of each sensor was as described by Adelson and Bergen (
1985) but we calculate the total energy integrating across time
Then, the response was pooled across
n locations of the same sensor with the same orientation
Next, there was a subtraction and half-wave rectification between sensors with low (LF) and high (HF) spatial frequency with the same orientation
Then, each response was pooled across
m orientations with a cosine weighting
After this pooling, the psychophysical response was calculated using the sensors, LF or HF, that had the greater difference between left and right
Next, the direction index (DI) was calculated using the following function
Finally, the DI was transformed into proportion of correct responses using a normal cumulative distribution function (using a linear transformation of the DI gave a similar result).
To obtain the results of
Figures 6a and
6b, the same movies used in the psychophysical
Experiments 1 and 2 were used in the simulations. The only difference was that movies that had shown leftward motion were played backward so that the direction of the motion stimuli was always rightward. The final proportion of correct direction discriminations was the mean of the model output for the 25 movies for each experimental condition. To obtain the results of
Figure 6c, we used the same stimuli used in the psychophysical
Experiment 3 in the simulations. In this case, instead of using the sensor with the greater difference between left and right (LF or HF) to determine the response, we always took the response of the LF channel because in the psychophysical task the subject had to attend only to the low spatial frequency component. For the model computations, the direction of the high frequency component stimuli was always rightward and the direction of the low frequency component was leftward. The method of constant stimuli was used instead of using adaptive staircases. In the computations, we used seven speeds (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 deg/s) for the low frequency component (flickering at 3 Hz or without flicker), and for the high frequency component the speed was always 4 deg/s. For each one of the seven speeds and duration, we obtained a proportion correct response which was the mean of the model output for the 25 different movies. The cancellation speed for each duration (
Figure 6c) was obtained by means of fitting a cumulative normal function to the seven proportion correct responses as a function of the speed in order to obtain the 50% point of the psychometric function (see
Statistical analysis section).