In executing any type of movement, there is typically a trade-off between the speed with which the movement is performed and the degree of precision with which it is made. Fitts (
1954) first provided a quantitative description of the speed–accuracy relation in self-paced, cyclic tapping movements. The characterization, often referred to as Fitts' law, stated that movement time is a logarithmic function of task difficulty indexed by the ratio of movement amplitude and target width. Subsequent research that followed verified Fitts' formal description in a wide range of movement tasks (Crossman & Goodeve,
1983; Fitts & Peterson,
1964; for reviews, see Meyer, Smith, Kornblum, Abrams, & Wright,
1990; Plamondon & Alimi,
1997). It has also been shown, however, that Fitts' law fails in tasks where subjects are asked to move to the target at a specified time. Such tasks, often called temporally constrained tasks, differed from the spatially constrained tasks that Fitts' law described well. In temporally constrained tasks, studies have often observed a linear relation between spatial error and task difficulty. Attempts to explain the divergent findings led to the development of several important theories of speed–accuracy trade-off (SAT; Meyer, Abrams, Kornblum, Wright, & Smith,
1988; Plamondon & Alimi,
1997; Schmidt, Zelaznik, Hawkins, Frank, & Quinn,
1979) that incorporated the empirical regularities under different task constraints.
The relation between speed and accuracy is often critical to the final outcome of a movement, that is, its final position. Consequently, whatever the form of the SAT, it is critical to ask if agents take into account their own SAT when planning movements. A recent study by Augustyn and Rosenbaum (
2005) showed that human subjects' choice of starting position of movement between two targets reflects knowledge of the SAT predicted by Fitts' law. In daily situations, many motor tasks require the agent to perform with high accuracy at high speed, in the sense that the task rewards both speed and accuracy. In such contexts, the agent immediately faces a decision problem that requires the knowledge and consideration of his or her own SAT: Should he or she move too fast, he or she would gain advantage in speed but sacrifice accuracy; should he or she slow down his movements, he or she would achieve higher accuracy but with loss of speed.
In this study, we examined whether humans can take into account their own SAT in tasks that reward both speed and accuracy and if they do so optimally. To model this decision, we extended a previous model proposed by Trommershäuser, Gepshtein, Maloney, Landy, and Banks (
2005) and Trommershäuser, Maloney, and Landy (
2003b). In a series of studies, Trommershäuser et al. successfully modeled movement planning as the solution to an optimal control problem. Their model assumes that movement strategies are chosen to maximize expected gain given the costs and benefits explicitly implemented in the environment. When choosing a strategy, the movement planner takes into account his or her own intrinsic motor variability. Their models do well in predicting movement endpoints chosen by the subjects in rapid, goal-directed pointing tasks (but see Wu, Trommershäuser, Maloney, & Landy,
2006, on the limits to movement planning).
Those studies, however, did not model the SAT of a subject, a ubiquitous feature underlying almost every movement. The experiments of Trommershäuser et al. effectively fixed the length of time a subject had to perform the task by imposing a large “timeout” monetary penalty. As time taken to perform the task varied little from trial to trial after extensive training, their model treated motor variability as exogenously fixed for each subject (although motor variability was modeled as varying between subjects). This constraint is, however, artificial. In most tasks, a person gets to choose how long he or she takes over a movement and, hence, the accuracy of that movement. The degree of motor variability that a person faces becomes an endogenous choice variable. We therefore extended the model of Trommershäuser et al. by incorporating this choice into a new optimization model and compared its predictions to subjects' motor behavior.
Our experimental design had two sessions: a training session and an experimental session. In the training session, we ran a sequence of treatments in which subjects were rewarded for performing a pointing task within various time limits. In the experimental session, subjects performed the same pointing task, but in this case, the reward for successfully hitting the target decreased linearly with time after its presentation. We used data from both the training and experimental sessions to estimate the relationship between movement speed and accuracy for each subject. Armed with this estimated speed–accuracy relationship, we could calculate the optimal movement time for each subject in the experimental session. Having done so, we compared the predicted choice of movement time from the optimal model to the actual choice of movement time exhibited by the subjects.