There are many ways in which we could move to perform a specific task. When we move in a certain manner, is this by and large the best choice for performing the task successfully? This is only a meaningful question if moving in different ways clearly influences performance. If it does, people should be reluctant to change their trajectory and perform worse when they do. Since we are currently unable to make more specific predictions, we will examine the influence of several manipulations on various aspects of task performance. We will manipulate the path that the hand takes to intercept moving targets and examine whether performance becomes slightly but consistently worse whenever people are forced to move differently than they would without such manipulation.
It may seem evident that issues such as energy expenditure and the biomechanics of the arm must be considered when selecting a trajectory. Since movements of the hand are driven by rotations at the elbow, wrist, and shoulder, it is not surprising that the path taken between two points depends on the posture of the arm (Boessenkool, Nijhof, & Erkelens,
1998). One can expect paths that minimize joint rotation (Micci-Barreca & Guenther,
2001) or torque change (Nakano et al.,
1999). Optimizing task performance could be consistent with such choices of trajectory because in many cases the most comfortable and efficient movements are likely to be the ones that result in the best performance.
Arriving at the target from a certain direction could also be beneficial under certain conditions for mechanical reasons (Brenner & Smeets,
1995). However, the chosen paths are certainly not only determined by biomechanical factors (Osu, Uno, Koike, & Kawato,
1997), as is evident from the fact that perceptual errors influence the chosen path (Brenner, Smeets, & Remijnse-Tamerius,
2002; Smeets & Brenner,
2004; Wolpert, Ghahramani, & Jordan,
1994). The relevance of perceptual feedback is most directly demonstrated by the finding that when visual feedback about the hand's path is deformed, subjects make curved movements to keep the visual feedback straight (Flanagan & Rao,
1995). Thus, the trajectory of the hand is clearly not arbitrary.
When moving toward moving targets timing is also an important issue. In order to predict the point of interception one must consider that
where one should reach the target depends on
when one reaches it, and vice versa. It has been proposed that people may avoid having to predict the point of interception by relying on continuous visual control to bring the hand to the target (e.g., Montagne, Laurent, Durey, & Bootsma,
1999; Peper, Bootsma, Mestre, & Bakker,
1994). Finding that the hand moves differently toward targets that are moving at different velocities but are hit at the same position (see
Figure 1) has been considered to support the idea that the point of interception is not predicted before the hand starts to move, or at least not correctly, but that one relies on visual information during the movement to guide the hand to the target (Bairstow,
1987; Brenner & Smeets,
1996; Brouwer, Brenner, & Smeets,
2002; Smeets & Brenner,
1995; van Donkelaar, Lee, & Gellman,
1992). Such models obviously cannot guarantee an optimal overall choice of path.
In this paper, we will limit ourselves to targets that are moving more or less orthogonally to the direction in which the hand has to move to intercept them. Different ways of guiding the hand to such a moving target give rise to different paths. For instance, always heading straight for the target predicts that the hand will approach targets from behind, lagging further behind the faster the target moves. This does occur for some ranges of velocity, but not for all velocities (de Lussanet, Smeets, & Brenner,
2004). It is difficult to think of a control strategy that would give rise to the asymmetry between fast and slow targets that is illustrated in
Figure 1, and that could deal with a visuomotor delay of 110 ms (Brenner & Smeets,
The error that arises from reaching a chosen target position at the wrong time increases with the target's velocity, so timing errors increase in importance relative to spatial errors as the target velocity increases (Brenner, de Lussanet, & Smeets,
2002; Brouwer, Smeets, & Brenner,
2005; Tresilian & Lonergan,
2002). We recently proposed that the different paths taken to intercept targets moving at different velocities arise from there being a velocity-dependent advantage in following a curved path (Brenner & Smeets,
2005). If people are more uncertain about when they will reach the target's path than about where the target will be at a certain moment, then it is advantageous for them to be moving along with the target near the moment of interception. If so, arriving slightly earlier or later than anticipated will be less detrimental. However, since a more curved path probably also gives rise to larger spatial errors, the optimal strategy is likely to be a compromise between moving straight toward the interception point and moving in a way that makes the hand move along with the target near the moment of interception. A model based on such a compromise, on the movements being smooth (minimal jerk; Flash & Hogan,
1985), and on the spatial accuracy depending on the trajectory (based loosely on signal-dependent noise; Harris & Wolpert,
1998) could account for the pattern of results shown in
Figure 1 (Brenner & Smeets,
2005). This would be consistent with the way in which people move to intercept moving targets being the result of optimizing performance.
In the present study, we examine how flexible people are in adapting the path that their hand takes to intercept moving targets. Introducing obstacles near the path to the target does not force people to adapt their hand's path, but there is a risk in not doing so. Using oriented targets introduces an evident advantage of adapting the hand's path. Having people ‘hit’ the targets in a specified direction more or less imposes a certain path. We examine how such manipulations influence the hand's path and whether being ‘forced’ to use a different path results in much poorer performance.