First, we checked whether there was a significant change of the unimodal thresholds over the time course of the experiment (between Session 1 from Day 1 and Session 5 from Day 4). It could be that subjects become much better in discriminating stimuli simply because they have done more than 2,500 trials (perceptual learning). We can compare the discrimination performance in the purely visual task and the purely haptic task on the first day with the performance on the last day. A repeated measures ANOVA shows no significant effect for the purely visual task or the purely haptic task, F(1, 8) = 0.34, p = .56 and F(1, 8) = 3.13, p = .12, respectively. This indicates that subjects did not generally get better at discriminating during the course of the experiment. Given this baseline performance, we can now turn to the main data of the experiment.
The results for one typical subject (D.C.) were already shown in
Figure 7. For all subjects, we performed the same procedure of fitting a Gaussian to the data in both the congruent and incongruent directions in the pre- and posttest. Thus, we had thresholds for all four conditions with the two factors: pretest/posttest and congruent/incongruent.
There was no significant difference between the congruent and incongruent direction during pretest in 9 of the 12 subjects. This result was expected from subjects where the two cues are independent and where there is no mapping between these signals. The results of these nine subjects are shown in
Figure 8. The top panel shows the mean thresholds for these nine subjects for the congruent and incongruent directions in the pre- and posttest.
An ANOVA (two factors, within subjects) on the data of these nine subjects was conducted and revealed that there was no significant main effect, neither for pretest versus posttest, F(1, 8) = 0.705, p = .426, nor for congruent versus incongruent, F(1, 8) = 4.128, p = .077. However, it is important to note that we found a significant interaction between the two factors, pre/post vs. congruent/incongruent: F(1, 8) = 14.58, p < .005, which indicates that the thresholds for the congruent and incongruent directions, which were the same in the pretest, are now different in the posttest. This shows that these subjects learned to use the newly introduced redundancy between the luminance of an object in combination with its stiffness. That is, subjects learned to integrate arbitrary signals.
In the lower panel of
Figure 8, we illustrate the interaction by plotting how the difference between the congruent and incongruent directions change from pre- to posttest. With the exception of one subject, all of the nine subjects show a change in the predicted direction, and the one who did not show the effect has only a minor change in the opposite direction. Thus, this illustrates the significance of the interaction.
Interestingly, 3 of the 12 subjects who were tested (C.R., 0.165; S.L.S., 0.169; V.E., 0.177) already showed a significant difference between the congruent and incongruent directions during pretest before the training. This indicates that they already had a predefined axis for discrimination. (By chance, all three had a higher threshold for the congruent direction compared with the incongruent direction—because the assignment to the group according to which direction a subject was trained was random, this has to be chance.) According to the Bayesian integration model, this could be due to correlated noise in the two channels, which is unlikely because luminance and stiffness are sensed by two entirely separate sensory systems (vision and touch) in these subjects (see the
Discussion section for details). More likely, it is that these three subjects lived in a world where there was a slight correlation between brighter objects feeling stiffer or vice versa. If some correlation like this exists somewhere in the environment, these three subjects may have picked that up during their lifetime before the experiment. This is interesting but not so important for our experiment. What is important is that these three subjects also produced a similar learning effect as the other subjects (Δpretest − Δposttest: C.R. = 0.165, S.L.S. = 0.169, and V.E. = 0.177). The difference between congruent and incongruent trials also changed in the predicted way after learning: The difference became less or disappeared. That is, the learning effect is in the same direction as the eight of the nine subjects shown in the lower panel of
Figure 8. Thus, 11 of the 12 subjects showed the predicted effect that one would expect if subjects learned to use the correlation (mapping) introduced during the training phase. Thus, in conclusion, this experiment showed that subjects learned a new Coupling Prior, which enabled them to integrate arbitrary signals from vision and touch.
At the end of the experiment, we informally queried subjects and there was no naive subject who reported to have noticed the correlation during training.