For each subject and condition, we estimated the height-to-width ratio of the ellipse that would be perceived to be a circular hole on the surface (see the
Methods section).
Figure 7 plots the mean height-to-width ratios, averaged across subjects. The four panels correspond to the four spins tested. The graphs also plot predicted results in the extreme cases where judgments were based entirely on convergence (thin solid), skew (dashed), or foreshortening (dotted).
The data provide evidence that convergence, skew, and foreshortening all contributed. An ANOVA on the mean height-to-width ratios revealed significant main effects of the projected size of an image, F(1, 240) = 104, p < .001 (with smaller images seen as if more slanted), the slant of the object used to generate the prescaled image, F(1, 240) = 161, p < .001 (with more slanted objects seen as if more slanted), and the spin of the object, F(3, 240) = 16, p < .001 (with rotated objects appearing as if more slanted). There was also an interaction between the generating slant and spin, F(3, 240) = 10.8, p < .001. No other interactions were significant in the ANOVA, size/slant: F(3, 240) = 1.7, p = .19, ns; size/spin: F(3, 240) = 2.2, p = .09, ns (but see further analyses below). The main effect of projected size could be attributable to either convergence or skew cues because both predict greater slant for small images when spin is zero. However, the effect of size was also present in the 20° spin conditions when analyzed separately, F(1, 48) = 15.3, p < .001, indicating at least some contribution from convergence. The main effect of generating slant could be due to either skew or foreshortening. This effect was significant in the 0° spin conditions when analyzed separately, F(1, 48) = 7.8, p = .007, implying that at least some of this effect was due to foreshortening. However, both the main effect of spin and the interaction between slant and spin can only be attributed to the influence of skew because use of the other cues (convergence and foreshortening) predict that judgments would be invariant to spin.
Figure 8 shows four conditions that illustrate the interaction between image scaling and spin. For 0° spin conditions, objects appear more slanted in the minified 62° image (left) than in the magnified 75° slant image (right), as predicted by convergence cues, despite the fact that foreshortening is greater in the magnified condition. For 20° spin conditions, the skew cue overcomes the conflicting convergence information, such that perceived slant is larger for the magnified 75° slant image (right) despite the comparative lack of convergence relative to the minified 62° slant image (left).
We performed a regression analysis to estimate the relative contributions of each cue, correlating the observed PSEs against the predictions shown in the right graphs of
Figure 7. The resulting regression weights were as follows:
r = .18 for convergence (
p = .04),
r = .26 for skew (
p = .02), and
r = .16 for foreshortening (
p = .09,
ns). These weights are generally consistent with the findings of the ANOVA, in that both convergence and skew showed significant nonzero weight, whereas foreshortening has smaller, marginal influence.
If skew information contributes to perceived slant, then conditions with skewed contours should be less affected by image scaling. The ANOVA on aspect ratios is not a sensitive test of this prediction because of individual differences in the sizes of the main effects. For a more sensitive test, we computed the differences in aspect ratios for pairs of conditions that differ only in image size, which provides a direct measure of the effect of image magnification or minification. The mean differences are shown in
Figure 9. For both slant conditions, image scaling had less effect as spin increased, 75° slant:
F(3, 48) = 7.4,
p < .001; 62° slant:
F(3, 48) = 3.8,
p = .02. The modulation was more pronounced for the 75° slant conditions (
Figure 9, left), which could be due to the larger amount of skew in these images.
The holes that were perceived as circular had projected shapes that were taller than would be predicted by any cue. The direction of overall bias is consistent with perceptual underestimation of slant because circles on a surface with a low slant projected to taller ellipses in an image than circles at higher slants. A similar overall bias was observed in an experiment by Saunders and Backus (
2006a) that measured perceived length-in-depth based on convergence, for monocular images of rectangles with 0° spin. Such biases could be due to conflicting information that would suggest frontal orientation, such as the absence of an accommodative gradient or the visible frame of the projection screen.
Judgments also showed less effect of image scaling than expected, even in the 0° spin conditions where convergence and skew cues do not conflict. The predicted PSEs change from .26 to .47, whereas the observed PSEs increased by only .07 on average, corresponding to a gain of .33. Other studies have similarly observed a smaller-than-predicted effect of size on perceived slant or depth from convergence (Saunders & Backus,
2006a; Smith,
1967; Tibau et al.,
2001). One factor might have been the foreshortening of the elliptical hole itself, which could be used as a cue to surface slant and would indicate differing slants from trial to trial. This cue is not informative with respect to our task, and its effect would have been uniform across conditions, but it might have reduced the effects of the convergence and skew cues if weight were given to it. The smaller-than-predicted modulation by image size could also be a consequence of perceptual compression in depth (see Saunders & Backus,
2006a) or simply reflect errors in interpreting convergence and skew information.
Our analysis assumed that the tilt of the surfaces was accurately perceived to be vertical. The shape of the hole and its extrusion edges would have encouraged a percept of vertical tilt. However, there is also reason to expect some bias. Saunders and Knill (
2001) found that the perceived tilt of slanted symmetric figures was biased depending on their spin. For spins of 15° or 30°, the tilt bias was about 3°. As illustrated in
Figure 10, the maximally orthogonal interpretations of our cue-conflict stimuli change depending on the assumed direction of tilt. If tilt biases were in the direction observed by Saunders and Knill (in the direction of spin, as in
Figure 10), orthogonal interpretations would have slants closer to that specified by convergence (compared to that with unbiased tilt). Therefore, to the extent that tilt is not perceived to be vertical, our analysis may have underestimated the contribution of skew relative to convergence.
Figure 11 plots the mean JND thresholds, averaged across subjects, expressed as Weber fractions. The most pronounced effect was that judgments were more consistent (lower JNDs) for large objects than for objects with identically shaped but smaller projected contours. This effect was revealed in an ANOVA as a main effect of projected size,
F(1, 240) = 24,
p < .001. No other effects or interactions were significant. Saunders and Backus (
2006a) observed an improvement with projected size on the ability to discriminate length-in-depth of slanted rectangles based on contour information and were able to model the results with a Bayesian ideal observer for slant-from-convergence that incorporates noise in image measures of orientation.