Research on the perception of simple (Bouma & Andriessen,
1968; Orban, Vandenbussche, & Vogels,
1984; Scobey,
1982) and complex (Coppola, Purves, McCoy, & Purves,
1998; Elder & Goldberg,
2002; Farah, Wilson, Drain, & Tanaka,
1998; Field, Hayes, & Hess,
1993; Geisler, Perry, Super, & Gallogly,
2001; Valentine,
1991; Wilkinson, Wilson, & Habak,
1998) shapes has typically concentrated on static stimuli. Studies of motion perception have been concerned mainly with the discrimination of some aspect of the stimulus motion, e.g., direction (De Bruyn & Orban,
1988; Watamaniuk, Sekuler, & Williams,
1989) or speed (McKee, Silverman, & Nakayama,
1986; Nakayama,
1981; Stone & Thompson,
1992; Thompson,
1982), without focusing on the discrimination of the stimulus shape. Hence, on one hand are studies of shape perception that have largely ignored motion and, on the other, are studies of motion perception that have focused on the dynamics of the stimulus and paid little attention to its shape. Both approaches neglect complementary aspects of natural objects: they have a particular shape and are frequently moving. The accurate representation of both object shape
and object motion is important when living in, and navigating through, a dynamic environment, and it is not clear whether data from studies of static shapes can be used to predict performance when shapes are in motion.