The predictive mechanisms driving the smooth pursuit response during the temporary occlusion of a moving target have been widely studied in one dimension (Becker & Fuchs,
1985; Mitrani & Dimitrov,
1978). In this case, both position (Barborica & Ferrera,
2004; Filion, Washburn, & Gulledge,
1996) and velocity (Barborica & Ferrera,
2003; Ilg & Thier,
2003) of the occluded target can be predicted by the oculomotor system. However, around 100 ms after target disappearance, the eye velocity starts to decay exponentially. Either it continues decreasing until zero when the target is not expected to reappear or it reaches a plateau value when it is expected to reappear (Becker & Fuchs,
1985; de Brouwer, Missal, & Lefèvre,
2001; Mitrani & Dimitrov,
1978; Pola & Wyatt,
1997). Eye velocity decay might be due to either a reduction in the gain that regulates smooth pursuit eye movements (Churchland & Lisberger,
2002; Tanaka & Lisberger,
2001) or to a reduction of target motion signals held in short-term memory. In contrast, when the duration of the occlusion is known in advance, predictive eye velocity recovery takes place before the end of the occlusion period (Bennett & Barnes,
2005). In addition, the level of this recovery is scaled to the expected target velocity at the moment of target reappearance (Bennett & Barnes,
2006b; Orban de Xivry, Bennett, Lefèvre, & Barnes,
2006). Importantly, this predictive eye velocity recovery demonstrated that the predictive pursuit observed during the periods of occlusion was influenced by post-occlusion target velocity information. Therefore, providing information about post-occlusion target position and/or velocity influences the oculomotor response during blanking (Mrotek & Soechting,
2007; Orban de Xivry et al.,
2006). Similarly, predictive pursuit is also influenced by pre-occlusion target velocity information. Indeed, the pre-occlusion target velocity determines the plateau value to which eye velocity decays (Becker & Fuchs,
1985). In sum, both pre- and post-occlusion information could influence the oculomotor behavior during target blanking. Thus, it is important to minimize the influence of pre- and post-occlusion information when studying the nature of the internal representation of target velocity driving the predictive oculomotor response during periods of occlusion. This can be achieved by combining non-uniform target motion (i.e., not uniform rectilinear target motion) with randomized durations of occlusion.