Even when the eye is fixating a point target it is not totally motionless because fixational eye movements keep it moving incessantly. There are three types of fixational eye movements: tremor, drift, and microsaccades. Tremor is an aperiodic, wave-like motion with velocities of approximately 20 minutes of arc/sec and amplitude smaller than the diameter of a foveal cone. Drift movements occur simultaneously with tremor and are larger and slower than tremor, with velocities in the order of 4 minutes of arc/sec and mean amplitudes of around 2–5 minutes of arc. This amplitude corresponds to a movement of the retinal image across a dozen photoreceptors. Fixational microsaccades, also called ‘flicks’ in early studies, are small and fast eye movements that occur during voluntary fixation. Typically with peak velocities above 600 minutes of arc/sec, their amplitude ranges from 1 to 120 minutes of arc and they carry the retinal image across a width corresponding to several dozen to several hundred photoreceptors (Carpenter,
1988; Martinez-Conde, Macknik, & Hubel,
Despite this incessant retinal motion, images are perceived as static and clear. The visual system has mechanisms to deal with movement and the eventual blur resultant from the retinal image slip caused by fixational eye movements (Ahissar & Arieli,
2001). These mechanisms fail when the amount of movement is above their capacity of neutralization (Burr,
1980). In these conditions, the image is perceived as blurred due to motion smear. An immediate consequence of blur is a diminution of resolution (Burr & Ross,
1982; Morgan & Benton,
The highest resolution of the eye is obtained in the fovea where the density of receptors is very high. The limit of resolution depends on the target: different values are found for a single line, a Vernier target or a grating consisting of multiple parallel lines (Keesey,
1960). Even for gratings, the visual resolution is finer than the theoretical resolution predicted based on the number of receptors stimulated by the visual target (Keesey,
1960; Williams & Coletta,
1987). It has been proposed that this is due to the movement of the visual target caused by the fixational eye movements across groups of receptors on the retina. With fixational eye movements, the resulting signal is a mean of the combined activity of all receptors stimulated and not only those corresponding to the size of the visual target (Andersen & Weymouth,
1923; Keesey,
1960). This mechanism also explains why it is possible to discriminate Vernier offset of about 1 second of arc while the finest foveal receptors subtend about 24 seconds of arc (Berry,
1948; Keesey,
Another important function of the fixational eye movements is to counteract visual adaptation. Visual adaptation is a mechanism by which sensory neurons lose sensitivity when exposed to a constant high intensity stimulus, giving a response that declines with time. For example, if a bright target is kept steady on the retina the resultant neuronal response decreases with time, whereas it generates continuous strong responses if it moves about the retina causing abrupt changes in retinal receptor illumination (Barlow,
1997; Hubel & Wiesel,
1959; Martinez-Conde et al.,
2004). The movement of the retinal image across receptors caused by fixational eye movements changes the illumination in retinal receptors generating “on” and “off” responses in the neural pathways associated with the stimulated retinal receptors preventing retinal image fading (Barlow,
1952; Coppola & Purves,
1996; Ditchburn, Fender, & Mayne,
1959; Hubel & Wiesel,
1959; Martinez-Conde et al.,
2004; Rucci, Iovin, Poletti, & Santini,
2007; Sharpe,
1972; Tulunay-Keesey,
1982). Image fading in the central retina can only be demonstrated with sophisticated laboratory equipment. However, in the periphery image fading can be easily experienced during a relatively short period of careful fixation. This phenomenon, known as Troxler's fading, shows that in the peripheral retina fixational eye movements are insufficient to prevent retinal adaptation (Clarke,
From the center to the periphery of the retina, the inter-receptor separation and the center-to-center separation of the receptive fields increases (Curcio & Allen,
1990; Curcio, Sloan, Packer, Hendrickson, & Kalina,
1987; Drasdo,
1989; Hubel & Wiesel,
1960), and visual resolution decreases (Anderson, Mullen, & Hess,
1991; Green,
1970). Several studies have measured resolution in the peripheral retina with static (Banks, Sekuler, & Anderson,
1991; Green,
1970; Mandelbaum & Sloan,
1947; Toet & Levi,
1992) and moving targets (Bex, Dakin, & Simmers,
2003; Brown,
1972; Falkenberg, Rubin, & Bex,
2007). Brown found that in peripheral retina visual resolution can be improved when a target has a velocity of approximately 10 deg/sec. The linear or rotational movement used in these studies is likely to be less effective than the more random movement promoted by fixational eye movements (Ditchburn & Drysdale,
1977; Rucci et al.,
2007; Sharpe,
A limitation of these previous studies is that retinal image movement has been simulated by asking subjects to fixate a central target while a peripheral target is jittered (Bex et al.,
2003; Falkenberg et al.,
2007), whereas fixational eye movements cover a large range of directions and velocities (Barlow,
1952; Ditchburn et al.,
1959; Hubel & Wiesel,
1959) that cannot be accurately simulated by simple target jitter. Here, we measure peripheral visual acuity for crowded and noncrowded targets moving in synchrony with the fixational eye movements to determine the effect of different levels of retinal image slip on peripheral visual acuity.