Sluggish signals are expected to produce delayed motor responses. Indeed, different studies agree that longer reaction times (RTs) are obtained in response to chromatic versus achromatic signals (Nissen & Pokorny,
1977; Schwartz,
1992; Ueno, Pokorny, & Smith,
1985). In particular, Schwartz (
1992) reports RT distributions that are about 90 ms longer in response to chromatic stimuli. Further, many studies have addressed the influence of wavelength or color on manual RTs for equiluminant stimuli, where care has been taken to eliminate achromatic intrusion (for a review, see McKeefry et al.,
2003). For instance, McKeefry et al. (
2003) obtained RT differences around 40 ms between S − (L + M) and L − M signals scaled to multiples of detection threshold. Smithson and Mollon (
2004) compared RTs to L + M, L − M, and S − (L + M) signals, all at 75% detection threshold. They obtained average RTs longer by 16 ms and 34 ms for L − M and S − (L + M), respectively, with respect to L + M. Interestingly, however, the difference vanished when stimuli were embedded in luminance noise in order to control for luminance intrusion. This is surprising because luminance noise is assumed to ensure the good separation of chromatic and achromatic pathways (Birch, Barbur, & Harlow,
1992; Mollon,
1982) and was therefore expected to maximize the difference between the three pathways. On the other hand, as the authors suggest, too much luminance noise may saturate the magnocellular (and to some extent also the parvocellular) pathway and would therefore slow down responses to luminance stimuli.