This study described our first attempt at using topological analysis in the study of brain function. We think the method shows promise and that there may be other areas where the topological analysis of neural activity can help guide further research. First, the technique can be used to test specific hypotheses, such as “is the activity consistent with a single loop?,” which is, for example, the key question about the data of Kenet et al. (
2003). Second, it provides a rigorous tool to study the phenomenon of cortical “songs,” where repeated patterns of activity have been interpreted as activity attractors (Cossart, Aronov, & Yuste,
2003; Deneve, Latham, & Pouget,
2001; Ikegaya et al.,
2004; Latham & Nirenberg,
2004; Tsodyks,
1999). The statistical analysis of these recurring patterns is a delicate matter, and it has been suggested that the patterns may not be present at all (Mokeichev et al.,
2007; Oram, Wiener, Lestienne, & Richmond,
1999; Richmond, Oram, & Wiener,
1999; Wiener & Richmond,
2003). The presence of distinct stable fixed points, or line attractors, is something that could be tested with our methods as well, as they would show up as different connected components in the analysis. Third, topological analysis may be appropriate to explore the basic structure of population activity in situations where we have no prior information, or specific hypotheses, about the structure of the stimulus or the encoding. The encoding of object shapes is a good example (DiCarlo & Cox,
2007; Edelman,
1998; Feldman & Richards,
1998; Kayaert, Biederman, Op de Beeck, & Vogels,
2005; Kourtzi & DiCarlo,
2006; Tanaka, Saito, Fukada, & Moriya,
1991). Fourth, understanding the topological structure of population activity may help in the design of better decoding methods for use in brain-machine interfaces (Andersen, Musallam, & Pesaran,
2004; Donoghue,
2002; Jazayeri & Movshon,
2006; Nicolelis,
2003; Nicolelis & Chapin,
2002; Ohnishi, Weir, & Kuiken,
2007; Santhanam, Ryu, Yu, Afshar, & Shenoy,
2006; Serruya, Hatsopoulos, Fellows, Paninski, & Donoghue,
2003; Shoham et al.,
2005). For example, if one were to know that the activity of a population in a high-dimensional space is equivalent to that of a circle, one can collapse the entire activity to single number (such as the intrinsic distance from a reference data point).