The study of the relation between eye movements and the neurophysiology of visual receptive fields in the awake monkey was started by Wurtz (
1969a), who designed a method for training monkeys to fixate a small target. In Wurtz's technique, the monkey learned to press a bar in response to the dimming of a target. As the target was decreased in size, the monkey became more proficient in the task, and the quality of fixation improved. Using such behavioral methods to control the monkeys' eye movements, Wurtz (
1969c) compared the effects of retinal image motions produced by large saccades to those produced by equivalent motions of the stimulus on the activity of neurons in V1. Neural responses were similar under both conditions, giving no evidence for ‘extraretinal’ (corollary discharge) influences. (For more recent examples of studies on the effects of large saccades on visual neurons in monkey, see DiCarlo & Maunsell,
2000; Gallant, Connor, & Van Essen,
1998; Livingstone, Freeman, & Hubel,
1996; MacEvoy, Hanks, & Paradiso,
What about the effects of the eye movements of fixation? Monkeys can fixate like humans: they make microsaccades and possess a visually driven slow control system that can be used to maintain the line of sight (Motter & Poggio,
1984; Skavenski, Robinson, Steinman, & Timberlake,
1975; Snodderly & Kurtz,
1985). These eye movements can affect neural firing. Gur, Beylin, and Snodderly (
1997) showed that at least some of the variability of the responses of neurons in V1 could be attributed to fluctuations in eye position (smooth or saccadic) during fixation. This result demonstrated the sensitivity of V1 cells to even very small retinal image motions, and set the stage for further investigations of the effects of the different types of eye movements of fixation on neural responses.
Three studies relating neural activity to fixational eye movements, each done under somewhat different conditions, produced conflicting patterns of results. Leopold and Logothetis (
1998) investigated the effects of microsaccades (median amplitude 10 min arc) on the activity of V1 neurons with centrally located receptive fields and found that cells showed either suppressed (37% of cells) or enhanced (17% of cells) activity following microsaccades. Enhancement was more common in area V2, and also in V4, where most cells showed excitatory bursts after saccades. Martinez-Conde, Macknik, and Hubel (
2000), using a different stimulus, task, and set of receptive field locations, found no suppression in V1, but rather an increased probability of bursts during the intervals following saccades ranging up to 2 degrees in size (see Martinez-Conde, Macknik, & Hubel,
2002; Reppas, Usrey, & Reid,
2002, for evidence for saccade-related bursts in LGN). In still another pattern of results, Snodderly, Kagan, and Gur (
2001) found 3 classes of neurons in V1:
position/drift cells, showing a sustained discharge during intersaccadic periods;
saccadic cells, producing burst responses (often directionally selective) after a saccade swept the stimulus on, off, or across the receptive field; and
mixed cells, firing bursts of spikes both after saccades, and during intersaccadic periods.
Even very small saccades (in the genuine microsaccade-range) were effective in activating some of these cells.
Finding fluctuations in neural activity correlated with fixation saccades, even in only a subset of visual cells, reopened the discussion of the functional role of microsaccades. One proposal was that the saccade-linked changes in firing patterns could contribute to a temporal synchronization of activity in large populations of visual neurons (Leopold & Logothetis,
1998). Another hypothesis (emerging from studies of the effects of large saccades, but conceivably applying to small saccades as well) is that post-saccadic activity could contribute to the integration of information across saccades (MacEvoy et al.,
2008). Finally, a third proposal was that the retinal transients produced by saccades would revive visual signals whose strength was diminishing over time (Martinez-Conde et al.,
2002). This last idea led to new psychophysical tests of the role of saccades in visibility.