Perceived directions of objects in the world are usually unaffected by changes in retinal image location that are caused by active changes in eye position (von Helmholtz,
1866). This perceptual stability is achieved in part by summing retinal image locations with extra-retinal estimates of eye position in the orbit to yield visual directions in head-centric coordinates (von Holst,
1954; von Holst & Mittelstaedt,
1950). However, retinal and extra-retinal signals exist on a longer time scale than the brief (25–100 ms) duration of a saccade, and significant distortions of perceived visual direction are reported for visual targets that are briefly flashed near the time of a saccade (Dassonville, Schlag, & Schlag-Rey,
1992; Honda,
1991; Mateeff,
1978; Matin,
1976; Matin & Pearce,
1965). These distortions are characterized by two components: a uniform shift of position coupled with a compression of visual space around the saccade target (Morrone, Ross, & Burr,
1997), which are thought to reflect distinct visual processes (Michels & Lappe,
2004; Ostendorf, Fischer, Finke, & Ploner,
2007). The “compression” component occurs for objects flashed near the saccade target (Kaiser & Lappe,
2004) and is also modulated by the presence of saccadic visual references (Lappe, Awater, & Krekelberg,
2000), although these references are not strictly necessary (Awater & Lappe,
2006). The “shift” component of these perisaccadic spatial distortions (PSDs) is not as sensitive to the presence of visual references and can be isolated by using stimuli flashed near the pre-saccadic fixation point. Because the “shift” component appears to depend on the extra-retinal eye position signal, it is used as a means of studying the process that transforms retinal position signals into head-centric coordinates.