If the second and subsequent after-search saccades to the target are planned after the search display vanishes, they would have to be planned from some sort of memory of the target. If attention had not visited the target, the memory responsible for these after-search saccades must therefore be pre-attentive. It is likely that such a memory is that of a pre-attentive or bottom-up saliency map of the visual input. Even though saliency does not have the “what” information about object identities, it carries the information about the conspicuousness of the visual locations, and is therefore sufficient for our task which only requires reporting the location and not the identity of a moderately salient input item. Though iconic memory and visual persistence about the identity of visual objects last for no more than ∼0.2 seconds (Shih & Sperling,
2002; Sperling,
1960), we could account for our observations by hypothesizing that memory of the saliencies of visual locations lasts longer. As this memory survives gaze shifts during after-search, it should thus be encoded in a world-centered rather than retinally centered coordinate system. Experimental observations (Allman, Miezin, & McGuinness,
1985; Jingling & Zhaoping
2008; Jones, Grieve, Wang, & Sillito,
2001; Knierim & van Essen,
1992; Koene & Zhaoping,
2007; Lamme,
1995; Li & Li,
1994; Nothdurft, Gallant, & Van Essen,
1999; Sillito, Grieve, Jones, Cudeiro, & Davis,
1995; Wachtler, Sejnowski, & Albright,
2003; Zhaoping,
2008; Zhaoping & May,
2007; Zhaoping & Snowden
2006) as well as theoretical and modeling analysis (Li,
2002) have suggested that the retinotopic primary visual cortex (V1) creates this bottom-up saliency map, particularly for saliency due to contrasts in the low level orientation features in visual inputs, as is the case in our stimuli. The information in this map, after the associated visual inputs had vanished in our trials, with activities in V1 presumably being replaced by those evoked by the mask, might be stored in the superior colliculus or lateral-intra-parietal cortex (Carello & Krauzlis,
2004; Krauzlis & Dill,
2002; Schiller,
1998; Shadlen & Newsome,
2001; Tehovnik, Slocum, & Schiller,
2003) both of which receive inputs from V1, direct saccades, and exhibit neural activities that are correlated with cognitive decisions. The following observations may provide clues to the underlying mechanisms for this memory and its function. The ISIs (<300 ms on average) during after-search (
Figure 4D) is much shorter than the ISIs (>300 ms on average) before the target arrival (and thus before the mask onset) in the non-after-search trials (
p < 0.0001, here the comparison is not made with the pre-mask ISIs in the after-search trials since the earlier mask onset biases the sampled ISIs to shorter ones). Furthermore, the reaction time RT
eye for gaze arrival to target (since stimulus onset) in the after-search arrival trials is on average (1137 ± 62) ms, significantly (
p < 10
−6) shorter than the average RT
eye = (3026 ± 373) ms of the non-after-search trials, pooled across subjects by randomly sampling as many non-after-search trials by each subject as his/her after-search arrival trials. However, if for each subject, one selectively avoid sampling from the non-after-search trials in which RT
eye is longer than the subject's median RT
eye (among non-after-search trials), then RT
eye of the after-search arrival trials are not significantly different (
p = 0.64) from that in these faster non-after-search trials.