Adaptation—defined neutrally as behavioral or neural changes in response to the exposure of an ongoing stimulus—likely involves multiple mechanisms and may have partially conflicting goals. One goal may be to conserve energy by representing only aspects of the environment that change. This goal fits well with the commonly observed reduction in neural firing after exposure to a constant stimulus, but it cannot explain why firing is also reduced when the stimulus changes (Schlack et al.,
2007) or why the reduction in firing depends critically on both the adaptation and the test stimulus (Kohn & Movshon,
2004; Krekelberg et al.,
2006a). A second goal may be to zoom in on the currently relevant stimulus properties; the enhanced speed discrimination we report here extends previous findings that also support this view (Bex et al.,
1999; Clifford & Langley,
1996; Clifford & Wenderoth,
1999; Krekelberg et al.,
2006a). A third goal could be to anticipate a future stimulus on the basis of the stimulus history. In our data, only a single subject (CK;
Figure 4) overestimated speeds in an acceleration context and underestimated speeds in a deceleration context. It is possible that such anticipatory behavior could become more prominent if the subject's task required it. However, even in a task where subjects were instructed to intercept accelerating and decelerating objects, their performance showed evidence of temporal averaging, not extrapolation (Port, Lee, Dassonville, & Georgopoulos,
1997). This may reflect the importance of a fourth goal of adaptation that is to use temporal integration to improve estimates of stimulus properties. Such a process is useful in natural environments that tend to be noisy; not all small changes in the signal are meaningful and therefore should not lead to a change of the percept. Temporal integration explains why perceptual inertia, or the tendency to average, is often reported in human motion perception (Hock, Kelso, & Schöner,
1993; Krekelberg,
2001; Krekelberg & Lappe,
2000; Simpson,
1994; Watamaniuk & Duchon,
1992). However, while inertia fits with our findings during acceleration, inertia also predicts that the speed of decelerating stimuli should be overestimated; only subject CK reported this in our study.
Some of the discrepancies between functional goals and the data in our and others studies can certainly be understood by assuming that the behavior reflects the trade-off among multiple goals of adaptation. This, however, begs the question how the visual system determines the trade-off of one goal versus another, whether these trade-offs are constant, vary per subject, or even per task.