The proposal of this paper, that the visual system exploits synchronous modulations in neural responses exerted by eye movements, builds upon a large body of literature. The role of the temporal structure of cortical activity in the processes of image segmentation and feature binding is one of the most debated issues of current neuroscience (for reviews see Gray,
1999; Shadlen & Movshon,
1999; Singer,
1999; Singer & Gray,
1995). Correlated cell responses, both in the form of coactivity of instantaneous firing rates (Roelfsema, Lamme, & Spekreijse,
2004) and as synchronous spikes (Singer & Gray,
1995), might signal the presence of important features in the visual scene such as an edge or an object. Furthermore, in the retina and thalamus, simultaneously active neurons are more likely than isolated cell responses to affect neural activity at later stages (Alonso, Usrey, & Reid,
1996; Usrey, Alonso, & Reid,
2000; Usrey & Reid,
1999). A strong influence of fixational eye movements on the structure of correlated activity, as observed in our model, is not surprising. Neurophysiological recordings have already revealed neuronal modulations exerted by fixational saccades in various areas of the brain (Gur, Beylin, & Snodderly,
1997; Leopold & Logothetis,
1998; Martinez-Conde, Macknik, & Hubel,
2002; Snodderly, Kagan, & Gur,
2001). In addition, eye movements are a powerful source of correlation in the visual input, as they induce synchronous changes in the stimuli covered by cell receptive fields. Indeed, a synchronization of the responses of ganglion cells during fixational eye movements has already been observed in the turtle's retina (Greschner et al.,