The direction of ILM generated by single cues (dots) is easily discriminable when there is no physical motion in the line stimulus. For all of our observers, reporting was at ceiling for all cardinal locations (
Figures 3 and
5). Clearly, any impairment in either spatial acuity or processing speed have no measurable effect in this case, as there is no direct reporting of the speed of ILM.
However, the PSEs represent the speed of physical line motion that matches the opposing ILM, reducing direction discrimination to chance. We suggest that this is analogous to a situation in which cues (dots) are placed equidistant from both ends of a line stimulus, which generates a percept of motion from both ends (Faubert & Von Grünau,
1995): here, the physical motion is not eliminated, but the motion is countered by an equivalent ILM in the opposite direction.
The PSEs vary with cardinal location, occurring at progressively longer build times (i.e. slower physical line motion) moving from the horizontal meridian to locations on the vertical meridian. The inverse correlation with discriminability of physical line motion (the decreasing slopes from horizontal to the vertical meridian, and within the vertical meridian from LVM to ULM in the no-cue condition analysis) suggests that the speed of ILM depends on the underlying sensitivity to this type of line motion. The lower the sensitivity, the slower the ILM generated by the cue (dot). As in our discussion of physical line motion discriminability, we again point out that it is possible that the differences between the vertical and horizontal meridians may relate to the differences in line orientation at these locations. However, this could not explain the significant slope difference between the UVM and LVM locations, at which the lines were oriented vertically (
Figure 4c).
We have also found that the speed of ILM, as measured by the PSEs, is slower for outward ILM than for inward (i.e. when generated by dots on the inside than the outside of the line). This cue position effect is partially consistent with the anisotropies in radial motion reported by Raymond (
1994), in which coherence thresholds for motion detection were lower for centripetal (inward) motion than centrifugal (outward) motion. Noting again that for the task and stimuli used here discrimination improves with
slower speed/long build time, but detection performance for dot cinematograms and gratings improves with
faster speed, Raymond's (
1994) lower speed thresholds for inward motion on the horizontal meridian should correspond to our faster PSEs for inward ILM generated by outside cues on the horizontal meridian. Indeed, the correspondence is mostly consistent with our results, but Raymond (
1994) reported no directional asymmetry in the on the UVM where we did find a difference in discriminability for inside and outside cues. It is possible that any asymmetry present may simply not have been apparent in Raymond's (
1994) analysis: thresholds in her study were determined by % correct reporting of motion-presence trials versus “noise” trials. False alarm trials for the upper vertical meridian were 6% compared to 12% for the LVM, suggesting that observers might have used different criteria for the two locations; criterion differences for the two motion directions could have been present as well. Naito, Kaneoke, Osaka, and Kakigi (
2000), however, in a study of MEG response to low-level motion, reported exactly such an asymmetry in extrastriate cortex: the amplitude of the first magnetic response to downward motion was greater than that for upward motion at locations in the upper visual field, including the UVM. The authors suggest that this difference indicates a bias in favor of downward motion.