Spatiotopic representations in visual cortex have been reported for the dorsal pathway (Duhamel et al.,
1997; Galletti et al.,
1993). Cells in these areas have large receptive fields and are not color selective. To provide a basis for a map-like visual buffer, spatiotemporal binding to the feature contents in other areas would be necessary. To obtain the reported results would require integration of pre- and postsaccadic color information, e.g., by perceptual coupling of decaying presaccadic with incoming postsaccadic activity in the ventral stream, or by temporal integration in a downstream module that is involved in the decision process in the task, or even directly in the retinotopic representations (see below). Prime, Tsotsos, Keith, and Crawford (
2007) found nearly perfect transsaccadic memory for up to four objects. But in their experiment it was the explicit task to memorize as many presaccadic objects as possible to detect postsaccadic changes, whereas we instructed our subjects to ignore the presaccadic colors. This makes it unlikely that memory played an important role in the decision process in our experiments, even though the test positions were arranged around the saccade target.
As an alternative explanation, the reported transsaccadic perceptual integration could be evoked by means of selective remapping of presaccadic information in retinotopically organized areas. At saccade onset, this transfer could selectively preactivate pools of neurons that are tuned to the corresponding presaccadic value of a coded feature (e.g., color). Since color is represented in the cortex by a population code (Wachtler, Sejnowski, & Albright,
2003), many neurons with overlapping color selectivities will encode the stimuli in our experiments, which varied between red and yellow. If a red stimulus was presented presaccadically, those neurons with preferences for reddish colors would be preactivated and would respond stronger to the appearance of the postsaccadic stimulus. Thus, the overall activity pattern of the neurons encoding this stimulus would be biased toward red. Consequently, the postsaccadic stimulus would look more reddish compared to the same stimulus presented without a red presaccadic stimulus.
Previous psychophysical studies of updating mostly used tasks that required processing primarily in the dorsal pathway (Melcher & Morrone,
2003; Prime et al.,
2006). In our study, we used a color appearance task. While color information is used for the processing of spatial and motion information in the dorsal pathway (Dobkins & Albright,
1994; Gegenfurtner et al.,
1994; Toth & Assad,
2002), so far there is no indication for processing of chromatic signals relevant for color appearance judgments outside the ventral pathway (Heywood & Kentridge,
2003; Zeki,
1980). A previous approach to test object-selective remapping in ventral pathway reported a transfer of adaptation after-effects (Melcher,
2007). These findings are in line with our results because in both cases, the effects can be interpreted as integration of a remapped presaccadic activity state with postsaccadic input. In Melcher's design, however, the visual system was adapted for at least three seconds, followed by a delay of several hundred milliseconds before the saccade was initiated. Therefore, the system was in a post-adaptation situation. In our experiments, on the other hand, presaccadic stimuli were displayed for 1100 ms or less and were present until saccade onset. A mechanism to explain the effect could be a selective gain increase or preactivation of the representation of the region around the saccade target as reported by Moore et al. (
1998). Recently, Hamker, Zirnsak, Calow, and Lappe (
2008) proposed a model whose predictions are consistent with reported perceptual distortions of space and shifts of receptive fields during saccades. An essential mechanism of the model is an oculomotor feedback signal that acts on retinotopically organized neuronal maps prior to a saccade. It is conceivable that the results of our experiments could be explained by a similar mechanism that acts on feature-specific representations. Taken together, we consider the results of our study as evidence that updating mechanisms for object features occur not only under adaptation conditions but are also involved in processing of dynamically changing visual input under natural viewing conditions.