Normalization has been proposed as a “canonical” cortical computation (Grossberg,
1973; Heeger, Simoncelli, & Movshon,
1996; Kouh & Poggio,
2008). Analogous suppressive phenomena have been observed in dorsal stream visual cortical areas MT and MST (Britten & Heuer,
1999; Recanzone, Wurtz, & Schwarz,
1997; Snowden, Treue, Erickson, & Andersen,
1991; Treue, Hol & Rauber,
2000), which have been simulated using a model with multiple stages (corresponding to V1 and MT) of summation and normalization (Heeger et al.,
1996; Simoncelli & Heeger,
1998). Similar effects have also been described in ventral stream areas V4 and IT (Miller, Gochin, & Gross,
1993; Missal, Vogels, & Orban,
1997; Reynolds, Chelazzi, & Desimone,
1999; Richmond, Wurtz, & Sato,
1983; Rolls & Tovee,
1995; Sato,
1989; Zoccolan, Cox, & DiCarlo,
2005). Normalization of visual cortical responses is analogous to earlier models of retinal light adaptation (Sperling & Sondhi,
1968) and to models of contrast gain control in the retina and LGN (Baccus & Meister,
2002; Bonin, Mante, & Carandini,
2005; Kaplan, Purpura, & Shapley,
1987; Mante, Frazor, Bonin, Geisler, & Carandini,
2005; Shapley & Victor,
1981). Furthermore, contrast normalization models have been successfully used to characterize results from psychophysical (Boynton & Foley,
1999; Foley,
1994; Foley & Chen,
1997; Meese & Holmes,
2002), visual-evoked potential (Burr & Morrone,
1987; Candy, Skoczenski, & Norcia,
2001; Zhang et al.,
2008), and fMRI studies (Boynton, Demb, Glover, & Heeger,
1999) of contrast and spatial vision.