To better understand the results of the last simulation, we examined the relative importance of the five characteristic distances for the recognition of each of the basic facial expressions. To do this we have performed a multiple linear regression. The general purpose of multiple linear regression analyses is to learn more about the relationship between several independent variables and a dependent variable. In the present case the dependent variable corresponds to each of the six facial expressions
E e and the independent variables correspond to the five characteristic distances
D i. For example, Happiness (
E 1), on a given trial, could be defined as
x 1 t, …,
x it correspond to the appearance intensities of the characteristic distances
D 1, …,
D i.
The aim is to compute the contribution of each characteristic distance for the recognition of
E 1, then based on all the available data, we obtain
n corresponds to the number of times
E 1 is presented and recognized and
x ni corresponds to the appearance intensity (see
Discounting section) of the characteristic distance
D i during the recognition of the expression
E 1 at time
The same modeling is made for the other expressions leading to five equations to be solved as
d E e corresponds to the coefficients of the characteristic distances reflecting their importance for the recognition of each facial expression
E e, 1 ≤
e ≤ 6.
The solution regression coefficients are given in
Figure 13. Each histogram comprises 5 regression coefficients, each corresponding to the importance of a characteristic distance for the recognition of the current expression.
To measure the quality of the results obtained for each expression, the corresponding percentages of variance explained
R 2 are measured and reported in
Figure 13.
3 Except for
Sadness, the values of
R 2 are positive and very high, which reflects a good fit of the data and thus a high confidence in the coefficients obtained.
We will focus on three aspects of the results displayed in
Figure 13. The importance of each characteristic distance for the recognition of each expression is compared with the Smith et al. results. Except for
Anger, there is an excellent correspondence between the most important characteristic distances for the proposed model and the facial cues used by the ideal observer (or model) of Smith et al. This model uses all the information available to perform the task optimally. These results allow the conclusion that the characteristic distances used summarize the most important information necessary for the classification of the facial expressions in the CAFE database and that the rules (i.e.,
Table 1) we used reflect ideal but not human information usage. However, the visual cues used by human observer are different from those used by the Smith et al. model observer and the model proposed here. In some cases, human observers show a partial use of the optimal information available for the classification of facial expressions (Smith et al.,
2005). For example, humans use the mouth but not eyes for
Happiness and they use the eyes but not the mouth for
Fear. In other cases, humans use information, which is not optimal: for example the nasolabial furrow in the case of
Disgust and the wrinkles on the forehead in the case of
Sadness. Given that humans easily outperform machines at recognizing facial expressions in everyday situations, it appears likely that their alleged “suboptimalities,” in fact, reflect robust everyday facial expression statistics, not present in the CAFE face image set. Thus it seems promising for a future implementation of our model to use these “suboptimal” features for the facial features classification (e.g., nasolabial furrow in the case of
Disgust) and to take into account their relative importance in the classification process.