The previous literature on depth-discrimination thresholds (e.g., Enright,
1991) suggest that, in order to test Fechner's hypothesis in the domain of depth perception, it is necessary to base the JND count on the scenario represented by the right panel of
Figure 1. The results reported in Figures 8 and 9 of MacKenzie et al. (
2008), therefore, cannot be considered as conclusive. Moreover, the assumption that depth-discrimination performance approximately follows Weber's law (Figure 10 of MacKenzie et al.,
2008) is also questionable. There are many reasons to question Weber's law. Evidence in this regard comes, for example, from our previous data. The predictor
ρ, which we used in our previous works, is equal to the signal-to-noise ratio in the case of single-cue displays. If depth-discrimination performance followed Weber's law,
ρ would remain constant with simulated depth and our model would not fit the psychophysical data. All our previous findings concerning the IC model, however, contradict such hypothesis (Domini et al.,
2006; Tassinari, Domini, & Caudek
2008). Other evidence contrary to Weber's law comes from Farell, Li, and McKee (
2004a). They found that disparity thresholds for random-dot stereograms increased as a function of pedestal disparity by following an exponential law with an intercept different from zero. Such result cannot be accounted for by Weber's law. On the basis of such evidence, we decided to test the hypothesis of MacKenzie et al. (
2008) by using a different methodology.