Glass patterns have been widely used to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the analysis of texture in visual stimuli. Conventionally, it has been assumed that such mechanisms operate over limited scales and that integration is obligatory within rigidly circumscribed circular areas. Our results show that the scale over which integration can occur is much larger than previously thought. Earlier studies have inferred maximum radii for region over which integration occurs no larger than 3° but we used stimuli with a maximum radius of 10° and saw no evidence for a drop in the efficiency of integration. We also demonstrate that the topology of the integration region can be more complex than simply circular. Integration can be restricted to annular regions of the visual field. Optimum sensitivity to the structure observed in Glass patterns is achieved through the application of an aperture of variable size and topology, which includes areas containing signal and excludes noise regions. The border between the noise and signal regions of the experimental stimuli is only defined by a change in signal level, and at discrimination, threshold cannot be perceived as an explicit boundary. We have demonstrated that in the absence of prior knowledge of the position of the boundary observers integrate information over the whole stimulus and therefore perform suboptimally. The aperture must therefore be modulated by attention and attention must be sustained. James (
1890) first suggested the metaphor of a spotlight for attention illuminating areas of interest in the visual field and numerous psychophysical experiments have subsequently been used to test the veracity of the metaphor. The majority of such experiments have used a cue-probe paradigm. The onset of the cue draws attention to the cue position and the probe is then used to investigate performance at a position located relative to the cue. Reaction time to the onset of a probe in a cued position is reduced without a change in fixation (Eriksen & Hoffman,
1974). This effect can be observed with cue to probe times of as little as 50 ms. Away from the cued position reaction times are degraded (Posner, Snyder, & Davidson,
1980). This gradient in reaction times indicates a change in processing speed as attention is oriented to a particular point in the visual scene and indeed this change can be visualized as an illusion of motion (Hikosaka, Miyauchi, & Shimojo,
1993c; Kanizsa,
1951). If a cue is presented to elicit attention and a bar immediately presented adjacent and radial to the cue, the bar is not all simultaneously perceived. The end of the line closest to the cue is perceived first and the bar appears to grow from the cue outwards. It has been noted that this effect is predicted by motion energy and feature tracking models of motion detection (Zanker,
1997) but the effect has also been demonstrated using auditory and somatosensory cues to recruit attention (Hikosaka, Miyauchi, & Shimojo,
1996; Shimojo, Miyauchi, & Hikosaka,
1997). Moreover, further from the cue the direction of the illusion of motion is reversed indicating a radius beyond which processing speed declines upon presentation of the cue. This observation has been used to postulate a center surround spatial organization for attention (Steinman, Steinman, & Lehmkuhle,
1995). Experiments have produced varying estimates of the maximum radius for processing enhancement, but this is perhaps not surprising given the dynamic nature of the system under examination. Experiments comparing the effects of sustained and transient cues (Castiello, Badcock, & Bennett,
1999; Nakayama & Mackeben,
1989) have however suggested that attention itself can be dissociated into sustained and transient components. The transient component, it is suggested, is not subject to voluntary control and the ‘line motion’ illusion has been used to show that it supersedes the voluntary, sustained component of attention for around 300 ms (Hikosaka et al.,
1996). The function of the transient component of attention may be to assign processing resources to the most salient objects in the visual scene. The visual system applies heuristic solutions to an inadequately constrained inverse problem in the reconstruction of a three-dimensional model of a scene from a two-dimensional projection. An early priority is the segregation of figures in the visual field from ground as this process orders objects in depth (Craft, Schütze, Niebur, & von der Heydt,
2007; Qiu, Sugihara, & von der Heydt,
2007; Rensink & Enns,
1998). The boundaries between shapes in the projection, identified through discontinuities in properties of the projected image, are defined by the nearer and typically most salient object. Parsing of the scene therefore requires that boundaries be assigned appropriately as the edges of objects. Psychophysical studies have shown that the completion of partially occluded objects can occur rapidly and in parallel (Rensink & Enns,
1998), but if the depth ordering of boundaries is subverted, objects can be recognized only with scrutiny (He & Nakayama,
1992). There is also psychophysical (Driver & Baylis,
1996) and neurophysiological (Qiu et al.,
2007) evidence that the edge assignment is obligatory. Shapes in the image with assigned edges are processed preferentially, as figures, at the expense of unconstrained ground. The borders of discrete shapes are unambiguous and neurophysiological studies have shown that the response of cells stimulated by parts of such borders is not dependent on whether the particular figure is or is not the subject of the component of attention that is sustained (Qiu et al.,
2007). A recent model proposed by Craft et al. (
2007) and Qiu et al. (
2007) suggests, however, that the mechanisms that facilitate the spontaneous segregation of figure from ground might also serve as a handle for selective attention. Their model is analogous to that of Wilson et al. (
1997) in that it proposes summation of curvature information in cortical V4. The grouping cells of the model of Craft et al. though are required to sum information in the assignment of border ownership over linear scales of >20° (Zhou, Friedman, & von der Heydt,
2000) a much larger area that that suggested by Wilson et al. Our results demonstrate that summation of coherent orientation information can occur over areas with diameters of at least 20°. Also, consonant with our findings, the grouping cells proposed by Craft et al. have annular receptive fields. If such grouping cells do subserve selective attention, then they might be recruited in the analysis of texture within circular and annular regions of the visual field. As we have shown, noise external to circular and annular regions can be excluded from analysis, allowing much greater sensitivity to texture within the selectively attended region.