Although we have known for over 30 years about the oriented-edge-detecting properties of V1 neurons, we still know relatively little about how the outputs of those cells are combined into more meaningful complex representations. Here we propose a mid-level mechanism capable of grouping together local oriented components in the form of small curved contours, and demonstrate it using a selective adaptation paradigm.
Support for specialized curve and angle detectors has been suggested by studies demonstrating better acuity for angle and curve perception than would be expected by line orientation acuity (Andrews, Butcher, & Buckley,
1973; Chen & Levi,
1996; Heeley & Buchanan-Smith,
1996; Regan, Gray, & Hamstra,
1996; Watt & Andrews,
1982; Wilson, Wilkinson, & Asaad,
1997). These studies have all used sensitivity measures, however, and don't allow us to understand the selectivity of the mechanisms. The shape aftereffects of Gheorghiu and Kingdom (
2007) and the hourglass illusion (Suzuki,
2003) have both implied the existence of curvature-selective mechanisms that might be affected by adaptation.
Previous psychophysical attempts to show the existence of curvature detectors directly (e.g. Riggs,
1973) have generally been explained simply by local tilt aftereffects (see Blakemore & Over,
1974; Sigel & Nachmias,
1975; Stromeyer & Riggs,
1974) or have had rather mixed results (Timney & MacDonald,
1978). We aimed to generate a curvature aftereffect that could not be explained by such effects using an adaptation method that directly titrates a field adapted to a particular compound stimulus against one adapted to identical components presented independently.
Experiment 1 we examined the effect of this compound adaptation on perceived contrast. Little or no difference in the perceived contrast between the test stimuli in the two adapting patches was found. In
Experiment 2, however, we found that adaptation to the compound adapter did result in a greater apparent
curvature of our probe stimuli than could be explained by adaptation to the components alone. This is an effect consistent with a compound specific aftereffect and the existence of detectors for simple contours. Such mechanisms seem likely candidates to underpin the SFAE and SAAE found by Gheorghiu and Kingdom (
The fact that there was no effect on apparent contrast but a change in the apparent form of the stimuli, is an interesting departure from many lower level adaptation effects typically found using psychophysics (e.g. Blakemore, Muncey, & Ridley,
1973; Snowden & Hammett,
1996) and electrophysiology (e.g. Bonds,
1991; Ohzawa, Sclar, & Freeman,
1985; Sclar, Lennie, & DePriest,
1989). It may result from a mechanism in which the contrast response function saturates very strongly at low contrast approximating a step function.
Earlier papers which found curvature aftereffects to be caused wholly or predominantly by TAEs (Blakemore & Over,
1974; Sigel & Nachmias,
1975; Stromeyer & Riggs,
1974) may have done so because they were not comparing directly and simultaneously the two fields in which adaptation to the components or the compound had occurred. Comparing the fields directly would appear to be a rather more sensitive technique.
The aftereffect in the current study was decreased, but not completely abolished, by separating the two components in space. As such it appears that good apparent grouping of the components is required for the adapting mechanisms. So the mechanism could be involved with the perceptual binding of component features into a contour.
The remaining aftereffect found with separated component stimuli had a similar magnitude to that of the effect found when we tested probe stimuli consisting of only a single component grating. This residual effect could indicate that, as well as a contour specific adaptation effect, there is also an effect of compound adaptation on the perceived local orientation, so that adapting to two simultaneous gratings generates bigger tilt aftereffects than adaptation to the individual components. However, unlike the contour specific effect, this local effect does not appear to depend on the compound adapter being perceived as a contour so it seems unlikely to be related to a contour integration mechanism per se.
The data we have reported here demonstrate that the contour mechanism can combine at least two components into a contour, but we do not know how many components these mechanisms might integrate in a single step. We also don't know whether multiple changes in the direction of curvature could be encoded by a single cell.
Precisely how such curvature detectors might generate their selectivity and where they lie anatomically is not clear. End-stopped complex cells in V1 may be capable of directly detecting curvature (Dobbins, Zucker, & Cynader,
1989). Additionally the combination of the output from neurons, responding preferentially to different orientations, might be used (Poirier & Wilson,
2006). To create an appropriate AND gate a mechanism need only actually sum the outputs of V1, thanks to the nonlinear output properties of those units (Peirce,
2007b). The result is a cell for which the whole stimulus is substantially greater than the sum of its parts. In V2, some neurons do show non-uniform tuning to orientation across their receptive fields, indicative of tuning to curvature (Anzai, Peng, & Van Essen,
2007) and, in V4, neurons are responsive to moderately complex stimuli including curved contours (Gallant, Braun, & Van Essen,
1993; Gallant, Connor, Rakshit, Lewis, & Van Essen,
1996; Pasupathy & Connor,