Global motion processing involves the integration across space of the motion of local elements into a global motion percept. It is well established that local and global motion of achromatic stimuli are processed in different cortical areas, local motion being processed in areas V1 and V2 (Hubel & Wiesel,
1968) and global motion in the higher cortical area, middle temporal area MT (Newsome & Paré,
1988). Global motion has been studied extensively using random dot kinematograms (RDKs) because these stimuli require the visual system to make a global motion judgement based on the integration of the motion of many small local elements (RDKs) and are thought to activate area MT (e.g., Edwards & Badcock,
1996; Newsome & Paré,
1988; Simmers, Ledgeway, Hess, & McGraw,
2003). The contribution of color vision to global motion processing remains controversial, with studies arguing both for a chromatic contribution (Ruppertsberg, Wuerger, & Bertamini,
2006) and against (Bilodeau & Faubert,
1999; Michna & Mullen,
2008). Michna and Mullen (
2008) investigated global motion using first-order RDK elements and demonstrated that coherence thresholds with isoluminant chromatic stimuli are degraded in the presence of increasing luminance noise contrast, even though the detection of the purely chromatic RDK elements was unaffected. They argued that the motion processing of isoluminant red–green RDKs is based on an intrinsic luminance response, whereas the detection of isoluminant RDKs is purely chromatic. This finding agrees with previous studies using a similar luminance noise masking approach, which have found extensive luminance noise masking of first-order isoluminant chromatic motion, indicating the absence of genuine chromatic mechanisms for first-order motion (Baker, Boulton, & Mullen,
1998; Mullen, Yoshizawa, & Baker,
2003; Yoshizawa, Mullen, & Baker,
2000). We note that some studies, nevertheless, have suggested the presence of genuine chromatic linear motion mechanisms for optimal stimulus parameters but for stimuli concentrated in the central part of vision (small stimulus field of 4°; Cropper,
2005; Cropper, Kvansakul, & Johnston,