Previous behavioral results are also in favor of an extraretinal signal in the double-step task (Bock, Goltz, Belanger, & Steinback,
1995; Ditterich, Eggert, & Straube,
1998; Joiner, FitzGibbon, & Wurtz,
2010; Munuera, Morel, Duhamel, & Deneve,
2009). Munuera et al. (
2009) examined visually guided first saccades and memory-guided second saccades in a double-step task and introduced artificial motor errors on the first saccade by stepping the target randomly on a subset of trials. They measured the relative weights of visual feedback and extraretinal information in second saccade programming. Consistent with increasing motor noise with larger saccades, the weight of the extraretinal signal decreased with saccade amplitude. Recently, Joiner et al. (
2010) examined the pattern of saccade endpoint error in the double-step task. By examining the relationship between first and second saccades, they showed that the second saccade compensated for first saccade variations. The present study replicates these results and extends them by showing that the first saccade variations that can be compensated include saccadic adaptation. Ditterich et al. (
1998) reported both a positive correlation between first and second saccade errors (suggesting propagation of error and the absence of an extraretinal signal) and a negative correlation between first saccade error and the difference between the two errors (similar to the horizontal second saccade component used here). Their analysis revealed that this was due to the mix of two distinct populations of saccade sequences. The first population consisted of sequences with a long first saccade latency in which there was error propagation and the second of sequences with a short first latency in which there was compensation. They suggested two modes of sequence planning: an extraretinal mode and a pre-planning mode (i.e., memorizing vectors or spatial locations). In the present results, there was no correlation between first and second saccade errors, suggesting that the second population was not present. This may be due to the fact that Ditterich et al. (
1998) examined only horizontal sequences. Perhaps pre-planning is possible for saccades with the same direction, but that this strategy is less used with saccades with many directions, as in the present experiment. The sequences in Ditterich et al. (
1998) could also sometimes include saccades back and forth across the midline. This would imply transferring target location information across hemispheres, which may also have prompted their participants to sometimes use a pre-planning strategy.