The literature suggests two main components in perisaccadic spatial mislocalization: one is the perisaccadic shift in which the magnitude of PSD is uniform across the visual field (Honda,
1991), and the other is the perisaccadic compression in which the amount of PSD is nonuniform across the visual field, especially near the saccadic goal (Kaiser & Lappe,
2004; Lappe et al.,
2000; Ross et al.,
1997). The relative spatial relationships between stimulus features may be distorted by both of these components of PSD. Compression can be characterized as a nonlinear warping of visual space, where the targets further away from the saccadic ending point generally have larger absolute distortion than those closer targets (but the relationship is reversed if the compression index is used instead of absolute value; Lavergne, Vergilino-Perez, Lappe, & Dore-Mazars,
2010). Compression therefore changes the appearance and spatial layout of a visual object, and this has been confirmed experimentally (e.g., Ross et al.,
1997). By contrast, a uniform shift of the entire visual field should not affect the apparent spatial configuration of visual object. Instead, it would produce an error in localization, where the relative spatial relationships between image features would be unaffected. However, because the shift component of PSD depends on the stimulus attributes of image features, we expect different magnitudes of shift to occur for different stimulus features, and such unequal shifts would result in the perceived distortion of relative spatial configuration of visual objects. And the compression component has been shown to be stimulus dependent as well (Lappe et al.,
2000). Therefore, an analysis of the perisaccadic distortion of visual space should take into account both shift and compression components of PSD.
In most previous studies of PSD, observers localized a single, simple target flashed individually in an empty visual field. The current study examined pairs of flashes and asked whether contextual effects, in the form of perceptual grouping, might affect the magnitude of peri-saccadic spatial distortions of paired targets with different stimulus properties. The data clearly indicate that the PSD magnitudes for targets presented at unequal luminance levels or at different spatial locations become much more similar in paired presentation than that in a single-target presentation. Observers' perception of the relative spatial configuration between two flashed targets flashed simultaneously is more veridical than expected based on how the same targets are perceived when they are presented separately. This suggests that a contextual effect such as perceptual grouping could play an important role in regulating the pattern of perisaccadic spatial distortions of multiple or spatially extended targets.
The compression index in Experiment 2 is the clearest illustration of our contextual/grouping effect. It is described as a compression index because it is based on the difference in the PSD for the left and right flashed targets, and it eliminates the magnitude of any common or uniform mislocalization (shift) for the two targets. The index measures the relative distortion (compression/expansion) of visual space, regardless of whether this distortion accompanies a small or large shift. The lower row of
Figure 4 plots the compression index for targets when they are presented in pairs alongside the compression index for targets presented individually: There is a reduction in magnitude of the distortion of perceived separation between our target stimuli. This shows that the PSD measured for isolated targets does not predict the spatial distortion that will occur for targets presented in pairs: The distortion is reduced when targets are presented in the presence of other stimuli. Consequently, we expect that adding targets to a perisaccadic display will help observers more veridically perceive relative spatial relationships between those targets and thus improve the perceptual stability of stimuli.
Such a grouping process may be responsible for shape-grouping effects reported in previous studies. For example, previous studies found weak or no perisaccadic shape distortion for texture-defined and outline-defined rectangles flashed near the saccade goal (Matsumiya & Uchikawa,
2001; Sogo & Osaka,
2005). The same authors, however, did report strong perceived shape distortion induced for a Kanizsa illusory rectangle (Sogo & Osaka,
2005), which suggests that their terminators did not group the way our flashed targets did. Multiple factors could have contributed to the failure of grouping to maintain perceptual stability in their Kaniza stimuli: larger saccade sizes (which increase compression), centering the target around the saccade endpoint (where compression is greatest), as well as using ∼10° separations between the contour-inducing terminators (which should reduce grouping). Furthermore, to the extent that Sogo and Osaka and other authors do not measure a single-target or simple stimulus baseline to compare to more complex multielement stimuli, we cannot ascertain from their results whether grouping between feature elements was absent or actually occurred and mitigated a compression effect that might have been otherwise bigger. Indeed, a later study by Sogo and Osaka (
2007) flashed a low-luminance (0.5 cd/m
2) outline-defined triangle near the saccade goal just before the onset of a saccade. They reported that the perceived location of the peak of a triangle had a smaller magnitude of PSD than the single vertical bar flashed at the same location, suggesting that grouping of the triangle's features had reduced the PSD for the more complex stimulus.
In the
Introduction, we identified three previous studies that made a direct comparison between mislocalization of targets in single versus paired conditions (Brenner et al.,
2005; Sogo & Osaka,
2002). The basic question posed by these three studies was similar to ours, a question of grouping in the context of multiple stimuli. All three of these prior studies do conclude that at short interstimulus intervals (ISIs), paired stimuli demonstrate grouping such that the retinotopic organization of the flashes determines the percept, rather than the prediction derived from the distortions of the single targets.
However, a number of factors complicate this evidence and make it hard to evaluate in the context of grouping interactions for perisaccadic stimuli. To generate different single-target and paired-target predictions, these studies used asynchronously presented target pairs and assumed that the magnitude of mislocalization of each target was exclusively dependent on its TSO. They then reduced asynchrony as much as possible to stimulate grouping interactions, but in this paradigm, such manipulations have the consequence of reducing the differences in the TSO-dependent single-target predictions. Moreover, it becomes hard to know if changes in the pattern of TSO dependence for paired targets are produced by the ISI (e.g., masking) or by grouping interactions, or by some combination of both. By contrast, our paradigm allows us to measure grouping in conditions that introduce the strongest possible spatial interaction between paired stimuli (by setting ISI = 0), and because the TSO is the same for the paired targets in a given presentation, we can directly compare the TSO-dependent time course of PSD for the paired and single conditions.
In addition, the methodology of these studies was based on an assumption that compression does not occur for their perisaccadic stimuli (they pooled data over spatial locations). This makes their results impossible to reconcile with studies such as Ross et al. (
1997) that do show compression of visual space and perceived interval. Because compression is a well-established phenomenon in the literature, our study bridges the gap between studies that hint at grouping in asynchronously presented target pairs and the more common case of synchronously presented targets: (a) we used simultaneous rather than asynchronous flash pairs, as Ross et al. did in their compression study; (b) we found compression in our single data; and (c) we demonstrated that the magnitude of this compression was reduced and its TSO dependence was absent for paired targets.