As we are organisms with moving eyes, heads, and bodies, our retinas are often stimulated by new scenes that appear suddenly and are only briefly available. Abrupt changes in the retinal image also occur when a sudden change happens in the environment, which is common in emergencies. Thus, it is biologically advantageous to accurately perceive new stimuli that are accessible for a short time.
Perception of brief stimuli is computationally challenging because, in comparison with longer stimuli, brief stimuli carry less sensory information and are more likely to be masked by irrelevant stimuli presented immediately before or after (Macknik & Livingstone,
1998). How the visual system maintains accurate perception for stimuli that last for a short time is not yet understood. Behavioral studies have shown very fast perceptual decisions about contrast (Ludwig et al.,
2005), color (Stanford et al.,
2010), and complex objects like photos of animals or faces (Crouzet, Kirchner, & Thorpe,
2010; Keysers et al.,
2001; Kirchner & Thorpe,
2006). Furthermore, neurophysiologic studies have shown that many visual neurons respond vigorously to stimulus onset and much of the information is encoded in this early response (Buracas et al.,
1998; Chen, Geisler & Seidemann,
2008; Ghose & Harrison,
2009; Keysers et al.,
2001; Muller et al.,
2001; Osborne, Bialek & Lisberger,
2004; Uka & DeAngelis,
2003). These findings not only indicate that visual processing is faster than previously thought, but also suggest that information does not need to be integrated over a long time before reaching a perceptual judgment.
It is also known, however, that for visual motion perception, brief stimulus presentation degrades perception when the signal is weak and the noise is strong. A well-studied example is the detection of motion signal in a display of dynamic random-dots (Barlow & Tripathy,
1997; Downing & Movshon,
1989; Morgan & Ward,
1980; Newsome & Paré,
1988; Williams & Sekuler,
1984). In this task, when the stimulus duration is reduced, motion detection sensitivity rapidly decreases according to a prediction based on the reduction of available sensory samples (Barlow & Tripathy,
1997; Downing & Movshon,
1989; Gold & Shadlen,
2007; Kiani, Hanks, & Shadlen,
2008). This suggests that the visual system needs to integrate noisy motion over a long time to accumulate sufficient signal for detection, which compromises the perception of briefly presented stimuli such as those found in natural conditions. We found, however, that motion signal is extracted very rapidly from a noisy motion stimulus when a task-irrelevant surround is presented in synchrony with the motion stimulus, suggesting that spatial interactions are important for rapid perception of motion.