When an object's size is known, one can use the size of its retinal image to estimate its distance (Gillam,
1995). When the size of an object is not known, people still use its retinal image size as a cue for distance (Collet, Schwarz, & Sobel,
1991; Lugtigheid & Welchman,
2010; Sousa, Brenner, & Smeets,
2011a; Sousa, Brenner, & Smeets,
2011b), presumably because they consider that the object is more likely to have certain sizes than others in the prevailing context. This is not an unreasonable assumption. For instance, if a cube shaped object is a lamp hanging in a room, it is unlikely to have sides of less than 10 cm or more than 1 m. Retinal image size should be given less weight in distance estimation if assumptions about likely sizes are considered to be less trustworthy (Knill,
2007; Mamassian & Landy,
2001). And indeed, we recently showed that if people are shown cubes of different sizes on consecutive trials, size is given less weight as a cue for distance than if they are shown cubes of the same size on all trials (Sousa, Brenner, & Smeets,
2011a). Thus, priors concerning object size quickly adapt to the statistics of the environment in question.
The influence of variability in object size on the weight given to retinal image size when judging distances (Sousa et al.,
2011a) is analogous to findings in slant perception. When judging slant from retinal image shape, presenting differently shaped target objects on successive trials (similar objects with different aspect ratios) led to less weight being given to retinal image shape as a slant cue than if the same target object was presented on all trials (Seydell, Knill, & Trommershäuser,
2010). Seydell et al. (
2010) showed that the differently shaped objects influenced the weight given to retinal image shape when judging a target object's slant even if the differently shaped objects could easily be identified by their color, but not if the differently shaped objects were of a different category (ellipses rather than diamonds). They also reported that varying the shapes of objects in the surrounding influenced the weight given to image shape as a slant cue. Muller, Brenner, & Smeets (
2009), unlike Seydell et al. (
2010), found no effect of surrounding objects' shapes when making slant judgments. There were several differences between the methods used in these studies that could have been responsible for the different conclusions. We propose that the nature of the subject's task with respect to the surrounding objects is the critical difference. In the study by Seydell et al. (
2010) subjects made judgments about the surrounding objects' shapes on other trials, so changing the surrounding objects was equivalent to changing the previously presented targets. In the study by Muller, Brenner, & Smeets (
2009) subjects made judgments for objects of a single shape surrounded by a plane of objects of which the shape was irrelevant, and only the latter objects' shapes were changed between conditions. Together, these results suggest that the weight given to image shape as a slant cue is only influenced by the variability in the shapes of objects of which the shape is relevant to the task at some time.
In the present study we aim to examine the issues discussed in the previous paragraph for size judgments. Does variability in the size of objects of a different color or a different shape influence the weight given to retinal size as a distance cue? Does variability in the size of irrelevant surrounding objects influence this weight? To find out, we compared distance judgments for identical target cubes in a block in which all objects had roughly the same size (consistent block) and a block in which there were also objects of other sizes (mixed block). We obtained a direct measure of the influence of the target's size on its judged distance from the difference between the judged distances of target cubes that were at exactly the same position but had slightly different sizes. We ran two experiments. In the different color, orientation, or shape experiment, only one object was visible in each trial and the target cube was presented interleaved with other target objects. The other target objects were cubes of a different color, cubes with a different orientation or spheres. If the sizes of the other target objects are considered independently of those of the target cubes, because of the difference in color, orientation, or shape, there will be no difference between responses to the target cubes in the consistent and mixed blocks. If subjects make no distinction between the different types of objects (the target cubes and the other target objects), the other target objects' sizes will influence the responses to the target cubes, so image size will be given more weight in the consistent block than in the mixed block. In the context experiment, a target cube was presented together with one or more other objects on each trial. If the variability in the other objects' sizes is considered, image size will be given more weight in the consistent block (in which other objects always had the same size) than in the mixed block (in which they had different sizes).