Our results demonstrate that our proposed specular image cues predict perceived gloss for an array of different 3-D shapes. We constructed 3-D surfaces that would generate markedly different patterns of specular reflections, ranging from sharp images of the surrounding environment, to localized, punctate highlights, and to broad, blurry highlights. The purpose of these manipulations was to see whether our proposed cues could accurately predict perceived gloss for arbitrary surface geometries and light fields for surfaces possessing fixed reflectance functions. Some of the most commonly used stimuli in studies of gloss perception have been smooth planes and spheres, which generate clear images of the surrounding environment inside the body of the reflecting surface (Doerschner et al.,
2010; Fleming et al.,
2003; Olkkonen & Brainard,
2010; Pont & te Pas,
2006; te Pas & Pont,
2005; Vangorp et al.,
2007). In such contexts, the perception of gloss is essentially identical to a form of transparency perception. For planar and convex surface geometries, an image of the world appears inside or behind the depth of the reflecting surface. In such cases, there are (at least) two surfaces visible along the same line of sight: the body of the glossy surface, and the image of the world inside of (behind) the glossy surface. A second class of gloss stimuli include a variety of convex shapes that vary in their macro or global surface geometries, such as the perturbed spheres we used in
Experiment 1 (Olkkonen & Brainard,
2011; Vangorp et al.,
2007). The specular reflections of this class of shapes stretch along lines of minimal curvature and compress along lines of maximal curvature, such that environmental objects are not easily recognized in the specular reflections of the light field. A third class of surfaces includes surfaces that vary in both macro structure (such as the deformed spheres) and in mesostructure (surface texture or relief), such as the fractal surfaces that we used in
Experiment 2. The smallest scale mesostructure contains very high rates of surface curvature that compress specular reflections into punctate highlights. In
Experiment 3, we generated smoothed versions of the meso structure of the surfaces in
Experiment 2 and increased the blur of the specular lobe by increasing the amount of simulated micro surface scatter. For all of these surface manipulations, we found that gloss judgments were well accounted for by observers' judgments of the coverage, sharpness, and contrast of specular reflections. These correlations generalize our earlier results obtained with a fixed shape and scale of 3-D structure (Marlow et al.,
2012). Taken in conjunction with our previous results, the present work suggests that the proposed specular image cues provide a unified account of the effects of surface geometry and the light field on the perceived gloss of surfaces that are well approximated by the Ward model (i.e., dielectric materials such as plastic; Doerschner et al.,
2010; Fleming et al.,
2003; Ho et al.,
2008; Nishida & Shinya,
1998; Obein et al.,
2004; Olkkonen & Brainard,
2011; Pont & te Pas,
2006; te Pas & Pont,
2005; Vangorp et al.,
2007; Wendt et al.,
2010; Wijntjes & Pont,
2010). Our experiments do not indicate what role these cues play in the perception of gloss in surfaces with reflectance functions that are not well captured by this model.