Following signal detection theory, these models assume that each stimulus gives rise to a percept that is represented by a single random variable. These variables represent the perceived likelihood that each stimulus is the target. These random variables are assumed to be statistically independent and normally distributed. Throughout, we assume n stimuli with one target, designated T, and n − 1 distracters, designated D1… , Dn−1. The corresponding density distributions are denoted fT(x), fD1(x), … , fDn−1(x). The corresponding cumulative distributions are denoted FT(x), FD1(x), … , FDn−1(x). The expected value of the evidence variable is μ = 0 for distracters and μ = w for targets, where w is a parameter that represents discrimination difficulty. For both targets and distracters, the random variables have unit variance. Except where otherwise noted, models use a maximum decision rule, selecting the stimulus with the highest likelihood of being the target. Beyond these assumptions, the differences between the three models are straightforward.