Figure 2a plots the distribution of orientation (red) and color (blue) errors in each of the
cued conditions, along with the errors made in the corresponding
full-memory conditions (black). In the
cued-absent condition, where the feature memory load was halved and task-irrelevant information was absent from the arrays, there was a decrease in variability of the response errors compared to the
full-memory condition, as indicated by the taller, narrower response distributions (red/blue versus black in
Figure 2a, left). A direct measure of the
precision gain, the difference in recall precision between
cued-absent and
full-memory conditions, is plotted for each feature dimension in
Figure 2b (left). The enhanced precision in the
cued-absent condition, in which fewer features were presented, is consistent with the well-documented relationship between increasing memory load and decreasing precision of recall (Bays & Husain,
2008; Palmer,
1990; Wilken & Ma,
2004; Zhang & Luck,
By contrast, response distributions in the
cued-present condition, where feature load was halved but task-irrelevant information was present in the arrays, closely resembled responses in the
full-memory condition (red/blue versus black in
Figure 2a, right), and there was no consistent precision gain in this condition (
Figure 2b, right). This finding suggests that the presence of additional, task-irrelevant feature information in the memory arrays of the
cued-present task caused an increase in the variability of errors comparable to that observed in the
full-memory task when twice the number of features had to be stored.
Statistical analysis of the precision gain for each of the cued conditions relative to the full-memory condition confirmed this pattern of results. A repeated measures ANOVA, with condition (cued-absent or cued-present) and feature (color or orientation) as within-subjects factors, revealed no significant effect of feature, F(1, 11) = 0.002, p = 0.97, but a significant effect of condition, F(1, 11) = 8.8, p = 0.013. Recall precision for both feature dimensions was significantly enhanced in the cued-absent condition compared to the full-memory condition, color: t(11) = 4.8, p = 0.001; orientation: t(11) = 4.7, p = 0.001. No significant precision gain was observed in the cued-present condition, color: t(11) = 0.17, p = 0.87; orientation: t(11) = 1.9, p = 0.078.
Therefore, recall precision for both color and orientation was significantly enhanced, relative to the full-memory condition, only when task-irrelevant features were removed from the memory arrays, as in the cued-absent condition. The presence of additional features in the cued-present condition had an equivalent deleterious effect on recall precision as when they had to be stored in memory, despite explicit instructions to ignore them. It seems, therefore, that subjects were unable to take advantage of the knowledge of which features of an object were relevant to the memory task, despite the cost in task performance that resulted from it. These results suggest that, when an individual attempts to store specific features of a visual object in memory, there is concurrent obligatory encoding of other features belonging to that object. These task-irrelevant features deplete VWM resources to the same extent as explicitly memorized features, with a corresponding cost to the precision with which features from the same dimension belonging to other objects can be recalled.
Consistent with the results of previous studies that have investigated reproduction or report of visual features from memory (Anderson et al.,
2011; Bays et al.,
2009; Bays & Husain,
2008; Van den Berg et al.,
2012; Zhang & Luck,
2008), we found that the distributions of errors in our data (
Figure 2a) did not precisely follow a Gaussian distribution (or its circular equivalent, the Von Mises distribution). While the exact distribution of responses is not vital for interpreting the main results of this experiment, which depend only on the observation that variability increases with memory load, we consider it may be of some interest to examine these distributions in more detail.
Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the divergence of errors from a Von Mises distribution. One proposal is that the error distribution consists of a mixture of a uniform and a Von Mises distribution (Anderson et al.,
2011; Zhang & Luck,
2008); this suggestion is related to the hypothesis that working memory resources could be
quantized, i.e., divided into a small number of discrete chunks that are distributed between objects. A second possibility is that errors are distributed according to a continuous distribution with higher kurtosis (i.e., heavier tails) than the Von Mises. One way in which such a distribution could arise is from an infinite mixture of Von Mises distributions of different widths (Van den Berg et al.,
2012). This latter suggestion is linked to the proposal that working memory resources are continuous, but there is variability in their allocation (i.e., resources are not necessarily evenly distributed between objects).
For the present data, a wrapped stable distribution (a generalization of the circular Gaussian distribution with variable kurtosis) was found to provide a marginally better fit overall than a Von Mises-uniform mixture (relative BIC, 2.5). Curves plotted in
Figure 2a correspond to the best-fitting wrapped stable distributions.
A further important consideration is the presence of
non-target responses. These are instances where the subject accurately reproduces the color or orientation of the wrong item, i.e., one of the items presented on the trial other than the target item. These responses may arise as a result of variability in memory for the probe feature (here location), or as a result of errors in maintaining the binding information that links features of an object together (Bays et al.,
2009; Bays et al.,
2011b). While these responses appear uniformly-distributed relative to the target feature, their presence can be detected on the basis of a clustering of responses around non-target feature values. Consistent with this situation, we found significant central tendency in the deviation of responses from non-target feature values (V test,
p < 0.001), indicating that non-target responses did contribute to errors in our task. However, we found no significant differences in this non-target error distribution between the different conditions of our experiment (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
p > 0.11), indicating that changes in the frequency of these responses are unlikely to have contributed substantially to our main findings.