Previous studies have demonstrated the influence of motion information on position perception. Hayes (
2000) showed that an array of perceptually aligned drifting Gabor patches was easier to detect than was an array of physically aligned ones when the perceived positions of moving stimuli were altered due to the MIPS. Li, Khuu, and Hayes (
2009) found that background motion influences the perceived shape of illusory contours in Kanizsa's triangle, such that a test Kanizsa figure with concave illusory contours appears to form a regular equilateral triangle when it is placed at the center of globally expanding motion. The contour integration process is often thought to lie in early visual stages, in which local orientation detectors exist (Dakin,
1997; Hess, Hayes, & Field,
2003). May and Hess (
2008) suggested that the second-order orientation filter, a possible candidate for the mechanism underlying the PAE, may be responsible for the contour-detection task. Hess and Doshi (
1995) suggested a partial correspondence between their results and those reported by Paradiso, Shimojo, and Nakayama (
1989), which showed a tilt aftereffect following adaptation to a tilted illusory contour. Thus, the results of Hayes (
2000) and Li et al. (
2009) differ from our finding of no interaction between the PAE and the motion-induced illusion in position. However, important phenomenal differences exist between the MIPS and the FDE induced by our stimuli. In Hayes' (
2000) study, closed contours that contained a moving grating on the inside were presented for a long duration and were perceptually shifted in the motion direction. In Li et al.'s (
2009) study, illusory contours superimposed on a moving background were presented for a long duration and were perceptually shifted in the direction of the background motion. These stimulus configurations are radically different from the typical stimulus configuration of the FDE, in which a target stimulus needs to be only briefly flashed and can be separated from a moving stimulus. Additionally, evidence has been compiled in support of the claim that the stimuli for the MIPS can allow early mechanisms to contribute to the illusory position shift. For example, several researchers (Arnold et al.,
2007; Chung, Patel, Bedell, & Yilmaz,
2007; Tsui, Khuu, & Hayes,
2007; Whitney et al.,
2003) have claimed that a deblurring process or direction-dependent gain-control mechanisms contribute to the MIPS. In a human fMRI study, Whitney et al. (
2003) reported activity patterns in early retinotopically organized areas including V1 that may correspond to such a deblurring process. Other researchers have interpreted the results as evidence for a direction-dependent bias in the responsivity of individual neurons (Liu, Ashida, Smith, & Wandell,
2006), although whether such an explanation is consistent with the psychophysical evidence (Arnold et al.,
2007; Chung et al.,
2007; Whitney et al.,
2003) remains unclear. Nonhuman physiological findings suggest that a motion-position interaction qualitatively similar to the MIPS can occur in early visual stages (Berry et al.,
1999; Jancke et al.,
2004; Sundberg et al.,
2006). These mechanisms may contribute to the MIPS and may influence the process related to contour integration. Taken together, previous studies have indicated that the neural mechanisms underlying the MIPS may be located at early stages. In contrast, the large retinal distance between the brief flash and the moving stimulus that is a typical condition for the FDE may be a poor condition for the activation of these early mechanisms.