In the last experiment, stimulus direction was blocked. Because we were interested in anticipatory responses, the analysis interval was extended from −300 ms to 600 ms, relative to target motion onset. Small saccades were often made in the direction of the anticipated movement direction, although the anticipatory response was typically characterized by a smooth pursuit eye movement of a smaller acceleration than the initial visually-driven response (Kao & Morrow,
1994), as shown in
Figure 5. Therefore, unlike in previous experiments, we accepted traces with saccades around the time of stimulus motion onset if their amplitude was less than 1°. Overall, 15.6% of trials were found to be invalid (2–34% per subject), less than 1% after visual inspection (0–11% per subject).
For comparison with previous experiments, eye velocity is divided by 13.25°/s, even before the target starts to move (
Figure 5). Pursuit gain (visually-driven) was higher by only 3% in the congruent condition (0.91) compared to the incongruent condition (0.88) during the aforementioned time-window (140 to 290 ms), but significantly so,
t(16) = 4.88,
p < 0.001, d
z = 1.18. The latency of the first catch-up saccade was of 234 ms in the incongruent condition and of 238 in the congruent condition, but this difference did not reach significance,
p = 0.17, d
z = 0.34. Saccade latencies were necessarily longer than in previous experiments due to the large anticipatory component.
It is apparent in
Figure 5 that the anticipatory response is very similar in the incongruent and congruent condition and only deviates during the visually-driven period. Average gain for the −200 to 0 ms time-window was of 0.15 and 0.16, respectively,
p = 0.19, d
z = 0.34.
The results suggest that velocity storage (Barnes, Grealy, & Collins,
1997) does not cause the effect of congruence but that it depends on the availability of visual information. The possibility remains that memory-driven eye movements of a higher velocity would generate a compatibility effect, such as the memory-driven responses that can be generated by making the target disappear during maintained pursuit.
In all other experiments, congruence had the effect of reducing the velocity error (gain was nearer to 1 in the congruent condition). However, with blocked motion direction, the velocity error is sometimes larger, due to a slight overshoot in the congruent condition at the beginning of maintained pursuit at around 200 ms after motion onset (cf.
Figure 5), perhaps due to the addition of the anticipatory component.
Finally, we asked whether the congruence effect is the same at the beginning and at the end of the experimental session by comparing the first 20 trials to the last 20 trials of each condition. This question is of special interest in this experiment because anticipation builds up across time. An ANOVA (congruence by trial bin) replicated the effect of congruence, F(1, 16) = 20.29, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.56. Pursuit gain was larger at the end than at the beginning of the session (0.83 vs. 0.92), F(1, 16) = 15.07, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.48. Most interestingly, an interaction between trial bin and congruence occurred, F(1, 16) = 10.39, p = 0.004, η2 = 0.39, indicating that the effect of congruence was larger at the beginning (incongruent: 0.77, congruent: 0.88) than at the end (incongruent: 0.82; congruent: 0.83) of the experimental session. This analysis supports the idea that the congruence effect is not memory driven, as it tends to vanish when anticipation builds up.
We ran the same analysis on the other experiments, but failed to find a significant interaction between trial bin and congruence in any of them.