The slide average vertical component of the eye velocity is shown in
Figures 7a and
8a for a blanking duration of either 200 or 400 ms, respectively. Note that in these figures, the no blank traces are taken from different datasets (see
Methods section). The no blank condition in
Figures 7a and
8a is shown as a reference to highlight the effect of blanking on vertical eye velocity component at target reappearance. The clipping of the vertical bias for different blank onset times can be well distinguished from these plots. For a 100 ms blank onset, the vertical velocity (
Display Formula
) peaked well before ∼210 ms after target reappearance as shown by the colored arrow in
Figure 7a (100–300 ms blank conditions) and
Figure 8a (100–500 ms blank conditions). For all other conditions with the 200 ms blank duration, the slide average vertical velocity peaked around ∼210 ms after target reappearance but was clearly much noisier than observed during steady state blanking (
Figure 7a). By comparison, a 400 ms blank resulted in a clear change of vertical velocity, peaking at ∼210 ms after target reappearance (
Figure 8a). The change in the sliding average of the vertical component at target reappearance was calculated as the difference between the measurements taken at ∼210 ms after target reappearance (
Display Formula
) (colored arrow in
Figures 7a and
8a) and at ∼150 ms after blank initiation (
Display Formula
) (gray arrow in
Figures 7a and
8a). This change (
Display Formula
Display Formula
) is a better estimate of the vertical bias at target reappearance rather than the absolute value (
Display Formula
) in order to avoid possible contamination from individual oculomotor biases. Such change was quantified as a mean percentage change in vertical component with reference to the initial peak vertical component
Display Formula
due to the aperture problem as: [(
Display Formula
Display Formula
Display Formula
] × 100. The mean percentage change in vertical component (±
SE across subjects) is shown in
Figures 7b and
8b for 200 and 400 ms blank durations, respectively. An equivalent quantity for the change (
Display Formula
Display Formula
) was also computed in the no blank condition at the same time points that are used for computing the (
Display Formula
Display Formula
) in each blank condition (see each panel in
Figures 7b and
8b). Asterisks in
Figure 7b indicate significant change in vertical eye velocity at target reappearance for the 200 ms blanking duration block (paired
t test,
p < 0.05). When blanking started at 100 ms, only one subject (Subject 1) showed a significant change. When blanking started at 120 ms, only one subject (Subject 2) showed a significant change. When blanking started at 140 ms, three subjects (Subjects 2, 3, and 5) showed a significant change. For the other conditions, Subjects 2, 3, 4, and 5 showed a significant change. In a similar way, asterisks in
Figure 8b indicate significant change in vertical eye velocity at target reappearance for the 400 ms blanking duration block. When blanking started 100 ms after pursuit onset, only two subjects (Subjects 3 and 6) showed a significant change. When blanking started at 140 ms, three subjects (Subjects 1, 3, and 6) showed a significant change. When blanking started at 160 ms, three subjects (Subjects 1, 2, and 3) showed a significant change. For the remaining two conditions, only one subject (Subject 3) showed a significant change. All the subjects show a significant reduction in the vertical eye velocity component in the no blank condition.