We first examined whether a spatial bias emerged in the training phase. In this phase, the target appeared in a high-probability “rich” quadrant three times more often than in any one of the low-probability “sparse” quadrants. This manipulation yielded a strong spatial bias toward the rich quadrant (
Figure 2).
Specifically, in Experiments 1 to 3, in which the items remained visible until a response was made, search response time (RT; excluding incorrect trials and trials with an RT longer than 10 s or shorter than 200 ms) was significantly faster when the target was in the rich quadrant than the sparse quadrants, F(1, 15) = 32.49, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.68, in Experiment 1; F(1, 31) = 152.99, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.83, in Experiment 2; and F(1, 31) = 120.27, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.80, in Experiment 3. The overall RT was longer in Experiment 3 than in Experiments 1 and 2, possibly reflecting the shorter viewing distance and the fact that the display subtended a larger visual angle. In addition, breaking the training phase into 32 blocks, we found a significant interaction between target quadrant and the linear trend of block, F(1, 15) = 6.04, p < 0.03, ηp2 = 0.29, in Experiment 1; F(1, 31) = 14.58, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.32, in Experiment 2; and F(1, 31) = 40.02, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.56, in Experiment 3. Thus, the advantage in RT that occurred when a target appeared in the rich quadrant rather than a sparse quadrant increased over time. Search accuracy was high in all three experiments (higher than 97%) and was comparable between the rich and sparse conditions (p > 0.09 in all experiments).
The emergence and strengthening of a spatial bias in Experiments 1 to 3 is not likely due to oculomotor learning. In Experiment 4, participants viewed displays presented for approximately 180 ms. By presenting the display briefly, this experiment provided an accuracy rather than RT measure of probability cueing. In addition, the limited display duration significantly reduced the utility of oculomotor learning in task performance because few, if any, saccades could be made in 180 ms. Yet search was still facilitated (this time measured by accuracy) when a target appeared in the rich quadrant, rather than in a sparse quadrant, F(1, 21) = 28.40, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.58. Moreover, this accuracy advantage increased over time, F(1, 21) = 7.64, p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.28, for the linear trend of the interaction term between quadrant and block.
Having established a spatial bias toward the high-probability, rich quadrant, we next examined whether this effect remained in the same environmental locations or the same visual field locations following the 90° tilt in the participant's body and/or head.