It is known that visual experience can influence perceptual asymmetries by sculpting the response properties of cortical neurons (reviewed by Karim & Kojima,
2010). Exploring visual hemifield asymmetries in young children can be highly informative regarding the developmental pattern by which low-level visual asymmetries arise. In this study, we found that patterns of asymmetry remain stable across developmental and aging stages, since no interaction was found between age group and visual hemifield. However, we did find a main effect of age group within both development and aging. This is in line with the reports of increasing contrast sensitivity measures from childhood to adolescence, reaching adult levels in the late adolescence (Ellemberg, Lewis, Lui, & Maurer,
1999; Leat, Yadav, & Irving,
2009; Patel, Maurer, & Lewis,
2010). Accordingly, we found an effect of age group within development. The improvement of contrast sensitivity from childhood ([8:13[) to adolescence ([13:20[) at intermediate spatial (ISF) and at low spatial and high temporal frequency condition (LSF) was found, but was only statically significant for the last condition suggesting that the maturation rate was not equal for the two conditions. Our results are in line with the notion of different speeds of maturation across visual pathways. Previous visual evoked potential (VEP) studies (Crognale,
2002; Crognale, Kelly, Weiss, & Teller,
1998; Kelly, Borchert, & Teller,
1997) have suggested that the neural pathways that process chromatic information are not mature until around puberty. Meanwhile achromatic reversal responses at low spatial frequencies are mature by about three months of age. These results support previous psychophysical studies (Dobkins, Lia, & Teller,
1997; Dobkins & Teller,
1996), which have focused on the development of specific functions carried out by each of the visual pathways in infants. Accordingly, the contrast sensitivity mechanisms develop first for the perception of contrast in luminance (magnocellular), and after for the perception of contrast in chromaticity (parvocellular). In our study, we have used only achromatic stimuli tuned to two spatiotemporal frequency channels, one which is more parvocellular-biased (ISF) and the other strongly magnocellular-biased (LSF). During development, our behavioral results of contrast sensitivity across the two different spatiotemporal frequency channels revealed an improvement of contrast sensitivity, especially for the LSF condition. Moreover, in the LSF condition, the highest contrast sensitivity values were found in the adolescents ([13:20[y) group (within the development cohort), indicating an earlier maturation of the LSF channel (strongly magnocellular biased). For the ISF condition, the contrast sensitivity reached its maximum only in the young adults ([20:40[y) group (within the aging cohorts). This outcome is in line with the study of Ellemberg et al., (
1999), where results suggest that temporal vision matures more rapidly than spatial vision. Accordingly, our results are consistent with previous VEPs and behavioral results.