To be sure that the participants paid attention to the working memory load task, we included only perceptual reversals from the trials followed by the correct responses to memory probes in further analyses of the reversal rates and response times to reversal. After exclusion of erroneous working memory load trials, on average (SD) 30 (0.23) trials in the sham-load condition, 28.2 (1.78) in the 4LL, 25.6 (2.34) in the 5LL, 23.9 (2.47) in the 6LL and 23.2 (2.41) in the 7LL conditions remained for analyses of the reversal rates. For each load condition, we divided the number of reversals obtained during correct working memory load trials (and all reversals in the sham-load, respectively) by the amount of correct working memory load trials. These new reversal rate values were calculated for each participant individually and used in the analyses.
For a participant's data to be included in the analyses of response times to reversal, we set up a criterion that there should be a minimum of 15 trials with at least two perceptual reversal responses in each load condition. Based on this criterion, five participants were excluded from the analyses of response times to reversal, thus on average (SD) 30 (0) trials in the sham-load condition, 28.4 (1.50) in the 4LL, 26.1 (1.83) in the 5LL, 24 (2.39) in the 6LL and 23.9 (2.27) in the 7LL conditions remained for analyses of the response times to reversal.
Reversal rate, D(19) ≥ 0.10, p > 0.05, probe response time, D(19) ≥ 0.15, p > 0.05, and response time to reversal, D(14) ≥ 0.10, p > 0.05, values were normally distributed (Kolmogorov−Smirnov test). One-way ANOVAs with a within-subject factor of Working Memory Load (sham-load, 4LL, 5LL, 6LL, and 7LL) were performed on the mean values of working memory task (accuracy, probe response time) and reversal rate values. A 2 (Reversal: first reversal, second reversal) × 5 (Working Memory Load: sham-load, 4LL, 5LL, 6LL, and 7LL) ANOVA was conducted on the mean values of response time to reversal. In the case of significant Reversal × Working Memory Load interaction, separate repeated measures ANOVAs with one within-participant factor of Working Memory Load (sham-load, 4LL, 5LL, 6LL, and 7LL) were conducted on the response time to reversal data. Post-hoc t tests (Fisher's Least Significant Difference, hereafter Fisher's LSD) were used for pairwise comparisons of conditions in the case of a main effect of Working Memory Load. The significant linear trends in the data revealed by the within-subjects contrasts were also reported. In the statistical analyses, we reported the original degrees of freedom together with effect sizes (partial eta squared: ηp2), but corrected the p-values according to Huynh−Feldt correction whenever the degrees of freedom were greater than 1.