Article  |   January 2014
Predicting human gaze beyond pixels
Author Affiliations
  • Juan Xu
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    [email protected]
  • Ming Jiang
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    [email protected]
  • Shuo Wang
    Computation and Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
    [email protected]
  • Mohan S. Kankanhalli
    Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    [email protected]
  • Qi Zhao
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    [email protected]
Journal of Vision January 2014, Vol.14, 28. doi:
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      Juan Xu, Ming Jiang, Shuo Wang, Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Qi Zhao; Predicting human gaze beyond pixels. Journal of Vision 2014;14(1):28.

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      © ARVO (1962-2015); The Authors (2016-present)

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Abstract  A large body of previous models to predict where people look in natural scenes focused on pixel-level image attributes. To bridge the semantic gap between the predictive power of computational saliency models and human behavior, we propose a new saliency architecture that incorporates information at three layers: pixel-level image attributes, object-level attributes, and semantic-level attributes. Object- and semantic-level information is frequently ignored, or only a few sample object categories are discussed where scaling to a large number of object categories is not feasible nor neurally plausible. To address this problem, this work constructs a principled vocabulary of basic attributes to describe object- and semantic-level information thus not restricting to a limited number of object categories. We build a new dataset of 700 images with eye-tracking data of 15 viewers and annotation data of 5,551 segmented objects with fine contours and 12 semantic attributes (publicly available with the paper). Experimental results demonstrate the importance of the object- and semantic-level information in the prediction of visual attention.

Humans and other primates have a tremendous ability to rapidly direct their gaze when looking into a static or dynamic scene and to select visual information of interest. This ability enables them to deploy limited processing resources to the most relevant visual information and understand real-world scenes rapidly and accurately. Understanding and simulating this mechanism has both scientific and economic impact (Koch & Ullman, 1985; Ungerleider, 2000; Treue, 2001). A computational model predicting where humans look has general applicability in a wide range of tasks relating to human-robot interaction, surveillance, advertising, marketing, entertainment, and so on. One common approach is to take inspirations from the functionality of human visual system (Milanese, 1993; Tsotsos et al., 1995; Itti, Koch, & Niebur, 1998; Rosenholtz, 1999), while some other studies claim that visual attention is attracted to the most informative regions (Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009), the most surprising regions (Itti & Baldi, 2006), or those regions that maximize reward regarding a task (Sprague & Ballard, 2003). Existing works on saliency modeling mainly focus on pixel-level image attributes, such as contrast (Reinagel & Zador, 1999), edge content (Baddeley & Tatler, 2006), orientation (Itti et al., 1998), intensity bispectra (Krieger, Rentschler, Hauske, Schill, & Zetzsche, 2000), and color (Itti et al., 1998; Jost, Ouerhani, von Wartburg, Muri, & Hugli, 2005; Engmann et al., 2009), despite various recent developments on inference (Raj, Geisler, Frazor, & Bovik, 2005; Walther, Serre, Poggio, & Koch, 2005; Gao, Mahadevan, & Vasconcelos, 2007; Harel, Koch, & Perona, 2007; Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009; Seo & Milanfar, 2009; Carbone & Pirri, 2010; Chikkerur, Serre, Tan, & Poggio, 2010; Wang, Wang, Huang, & Gao, 2010; Hou, Harel, & Koch, 2012) to generate a saliency map. 
The extent to which such bottom-up, task-independent saliency models predict fixations of free-viewers remains an active topic (Donk & van Zoest, 2008; Foulsham & Underwood, 2008; Masciocchi, Mihalas, Parkhurst, & Niebur, 2009). A more recent problem in the saliency community is the semantic gap between the predictive power of computational saliency models and human behavior. That is, pixel-level image attributes fail to encode object and/or semantic information, which is many times more important to saliency than pixel-level information. To fill the semantic gap, Krieger et al. (2000) and Einhäuser et al. (2006) suggested the incorporation of higher order statistics. Recent neurophysiological studies (Craft, Schütze, Niebur, & Von Der Heydt, 2007; Mihalas, Dong, Von Der Heydt, & Niebur, 2010) suggest that primates use a more powerful representation in which raw sensory input is perceptually grouped by dedicated neuronal circuitry. Psychophysical experiments (Einhäuser, Spain, & Perona, 2008; Nuthmann & Henderson, 2010; Foulsham & Kingstone, 2013) show that humans frequently allocate their gaze to interesting objects in a scene, and a large portion of fixations are close to the center of objects. At the object level, Gestalt psychologists have found many perceptual organization rules like convexity, surroundedness, orientation, symmetry, parallelism, and object familiarity (Palmer, 1999) that are known to play important roles in determining what we see. Before Itti et al.'s (1998) framework, Reisfeld, Wolfson, and Yeshurun (1995) already proposed a symmetry operator to guide attention. Recently, a simple bottom-up assignment model proposed by Fowlkes, Martin, and Malik (2007) suggested that a smaller, more convex, or lower region is more likely to encode midlevel (object-level) visual cues by constructing prototypical local shapes from image data. These object-level attributes have not yet been studied systematically as to how they relate to saliency, and we aim to explore their relationships in a more principled way. 
On top of the object-level information that attracts attention, semantic information also contributes much to the final saliency: For example, a face tends to attract attention more than other objects (Cerf, Frady, & Koch, 2009). It is also known that survival-related attributes (e.g., food, sex, danger, pleasure, and pain) possess an innate saliency that is determined by the activity of evolutionarily selected value systems in the brain (Edelman, 1987; Friston et al., 1994). Recently several works (Cerf et al., 2009; Judd, Ehinger, Durand, & Torralba, 2009; Zhao & Koch, 2011, 2012) have added important object categories into their saliency models to improve the prediction of attentional selection. While these models consistently show improved performance, they do not scale well to many object categories in the real world, as each object requires a particular detector. Further, it is arguable that our brain is domain-specific for object processing. Thus, having an object detector for each individual possible object is not neurally plausible either. Yet is there anything (a base attribute) inherent about the object categories that make them salient? This question is largely unknown, and in this work we aim to make a first step toward this exploration. To approach this problem, we propose an attribute-based framework where each attribute captures inherent object- or semantic-level information that is important to saliency, and the combination of a limited set of attributes is able to describe a much larger set of object categories—in theory an infinite number of categories. This work is motivated to better understand how various factors contribute to saliency, e.g., what attributes are more important and how are they combined to fill the semantic gap. 
In this work we propose a new three-layered architecture for saliency prediction. While most existing saliency models focus on pixel-level attributes, object- and semantic-level information has shown to be even more important than pixel-level attributes. We explicitly and principally introduce a framework that integrates object and semantic information for saliency. Instead of focusing on a few sample object categories that are difficult to scale well, this work presents a set of common attributes at object- and semantic-level to form a vocabulary that is capable of describing a much larger set of objects as well as their semantic meanings. We also analyze the relevant importance of each attribute to saliency. We construct a large eye-tracking dataset with (a) 700 images with (semantic) objects (a large portion have multiple dominant objects in the same image), (b) eye-tracking data with 15 viewers, (c) 5,551 segmented objects with fine contours, and (d) annotations of semantic attributes on all the objects. 
Attributes for pixel-, object-, and semantic-levels
To accurately predict human gaze, higher-level information is important (see Figure 1). Particularly, we aim to construct a vocabulary, i.e., a relatively complete set of attributes wherein (a) each is inherent in predicting saliency, and (b) combining them covers a much larger set of object categories, as well as their semantic attributes so that the approach scales well. 
Figure 1
Human fixations attracted by object-level and semantic-level attributes. The leftmost images of simple objects show the effect that most fixation points are allocated near object centers. The four columns of images to the right show that various types of semantic cues (taste, face, text, and gaze) have consistently high fixation density.
Figure 1
Human fixations attracted by object-level and semantic-level attributes. The leftmost images of simple objects show the effect that most fixation points are allocated near object centers. The four columns of images to the right show that various types of semantic cues (taste, face, text, and gaze) have consistently high fixation density.
Pixel-level attributes
Pixel-level image attributes, such as contrast (Reinagel & Zador, 1999), edge content (Baddeley & Tatler, 2006), intensity bispectra (Krieger et al., 2000), and color (Jost et al., 2005) have been well researched in saliency literature. In our model we simply include three more commonly used biologically plausible attributes (i.e., color, intensity, and orientation; Itti et al., 1998) as pixel-level attributes. 
Object-level attributes
Attributes at this level describe object properties that apply to all objects and that are independent of semantics (semantic parts of objects are modeled below with the semantic-level attributes). Based on psychophysical and neurophysiological evidence (Craft et al., 2007; Einhäuser et al., 2008; Mihalas et al., 2010; Nuthmann & Henderson, 2010; Foulsham & Kingstone, 2013), we hypothesize that any object, despite its semantic meanings, attracts attention more than nonobject regions. 
Particularly, we introduce five attributes at this level that are simple and effective in predicting saliency: size, complexity, convexity, solidity, and eccentricity. Before the introduction of the object-level attributes, we first define several relevant notations for objects and the convex hull of the objects (see Figure 2). Particularly we denote an object as O, and the convex hull of an object as C. Thus the area and perimeter of an object are denoted as AO and PO, and the area and perimeter of the convex hull of an object are denoted as AC and PC
Figure 2
Illustration of object-level attributes: (a) size, convexity, solidity, complexity, and (b) eccentricity.
Figure 2
Illustration of object-level attributes: (a) size, convexity, solidity, complexity, and (b) eccentricity.
Size is an important object-level attribute, yet it is not clear how it affects saliency—whether large or small objects tend to attract attention. Generally, a larger object might have more attractive details, but will probably be ignored for being a background. This attribute is denoted as Display FormulaImage not available , where AO represents the object's area. 
The convexity of an object is denoted as PC / PO, where PC represents the perimeter of the object's convex hull, and PO represents the perimeter of the object's outer contour. Thus, a convex object has a convexity value of 1. 
The solidity attribute is intuitively similar to convexity, but it also measures holes in objects. Formally, solidity is denoted as AO / AC where AO and AC are the areas of the object and its convex hull, respectively. If an object is convex and without holes in it, it has a solidity value of 1. 
Complexity is denoted as Display FormulaImage not available With the area of the object fixed, the complexity is higher if the contour is longer. A circle has minimum complexity. 
Eccentricity is represented by the eccentricity value of an ellipse that has the same second-moments as the object region. An ellipse whose eccentricity is 0 is a circle, while an ellipse whose eccentricity is 1 is a line segment. 
Semantic-level attributes
On top of the object-level attributes, humans tend to allocate attention to important semantic entities. At this semantic-level, we aim to characterize semantic information relating to saliency. It is generally accepted that “given the limited size of the human brain, it is unreasonable to expect that every one of semantic categories is represented in a distinct brain area” (Huth, Nishimoto, Vu, & Gallant, 2012). Thus to approach the problem of scalability in both the brain and in computational models, we define attributes where each of them characterizes certain inherent semantic properties and combines to describe a large class of object categories. Many cognitive psychological, neuropsychological, and computational approaches (Garrard, Ralph, Hodges, & Patterson, 2001; Cree & McRae, 2003; Farhadi, Endres, Hoiem, & Forsyth, 2009) have been proposed to organize semantic concepts in terms of their fine-grained attributes. Inspired by these works, we have constructed a semantic vocabulary that broadly covers the following four categories: 
    Directly relating to humans (i.e., face, emotion, touched, gazed). Humans and primates have dedicated systems to process faces that are represented in the fusiform face areas in humans (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997; Kanwisher & Yovel, 2006) and in face patches in primates (Tsao, Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006; Moeller, Freiwald, & Tsao, 2008). It has been demonstrated that visual attention is preferentially oriented to faces (Vuilleumier, 2000; Ro, Russell, & Lavie, 2001; Bindemann, Burton, Hooge, Jenkins, & de Haan, 2005; Bindemann, Burton, Langton, Schweinberger, & Doherty, 2007; Cerf et al., 2009). Emotion is central to the quality and range of everyday human experience. The neurobiological substrates of human emotion are described in Dolan (2002). In particular, the human amygdala clearly contributes to processing emotionally salient and socially relevant stimuli (Kling & Brothers, 1992; Adolphs, 2010). Eyes and gazes are socially salient (Argyle, Ingham, Alkema, & McCallin, 1973; Whalen et al., 2004), and they trigger reflexive orientation of attention (Friesen & Kingstone, 1998). Gaze directions are represented in superior temporal sulcus (STS; Hoffman & Haxby, 2000; Pelphrey, Viola, & McCarthy, 2004), and Hooker et al. (2003) showed a brain network to analyze eye gaze. Tactile touch has social significance and attracts attention. The impact and neural substrates of the social touch have also been shown (Schirmer et al., 2011).
    Objects with implied motion in the image. A number of recent studies (Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2000; Lorteije et al., 2006; Winawer, Huk, & Boroditsky, 2008; Faivre & Koch, 2013) suggest that implied motion from static stimuli and physical motion may share the same direction-selective mechanisms. Hence, objects with implied motion may also attract visual attention.
    Relating to other (nonvisual) senses of humans (i.e., sound, smell, taste, touch). Observing whether objects relating to nonvisual senses attract visual attention allows an analysis of other sensory perceptions of humans (Onat, Libertus, & König, 2007). For example, sound, especially when sound gets emotional, elicits social orientation and activates the amygdala (Schirmer et al., 2008).
    Designed to attract attention or for interaction with humans (i.e., text, watchability, operability). Operability is defined on tools and several reports have shown an increased response to tools in the middle temporal gyrus (MTG; Chao, Haxby, & Martin, 1999; Beauchamp, Lee, Haxby, & Martin, 2003). Text has been demonstrated to attract attention (Cerf et al., 2009), and other objects designed for people to watch potentially have similar properties. Therefore, it is of interest to explore how these attributes attract attention.
For each attribute, each object is either scored 1 to address the existence of the corresponding attribute or 0 to represent the absence of the attribute. In Table 1 we briefly list the annotation (with examples) for each attribute. Some objects may have all zero scores if none of these attributes are apparent. Figure 3 demonstrates sample objects with or without semantic attributes. 
Figure 3
Example images illustrating semantic attributes. Each column is a list of objects with each semantic attribute and the last column shows sample objects without any defined semantic attributes.
Figure 3
Example images illustrating semantic attributes. Each column is a list of objects with each semantic attribute and the last column shows sample objects without any defined semantic attributes.
Table 1
Semantic-level attributes.
Table 1
Semantic-level attributes.
Name Description
Face Back, profile, and frontal faces.
Emotion Faces with obvious emotions.
Touched Objects touched by a human or animal in the scene.
Gazed Objects gazed upon by a human or animal in the scene.
Motion Moving/flying objects, including humans/animals with meaningful gestures.
Sound Objects producing sound (e.g., a talking person, a musical instrument).
Smell Objects with a scent (e.g., a flower, a fish, a glass of wine).
Taste Food, drink, and anything that can be tasted.
Touch Objects with a strong tactile feeling (e.g., a sharp knife, a fire, a soft pillow, a cold drink).
Text Digits, letters, words, and sentences.
Watchability Man-made objects designed to be watched (e.g., a picture, a display screen, a traffic sign).
Operability Natural or man-made tools used by holding or touching with hands.
We collected a large Object and Semantic Images and Eye-tracking (OSIE) dataset with eye-tracking data from 15 participants for a full set of 700 images. Each image was manually segmented into a collection of objects on which semantic attributes were manually labeled. The images, eye-tracking data, labels, and Matlab code for data analysis are publicly available with the paper. 
Compared with several datasets that are publicly available, the main motivation of our new dataset is for object and saliency study where two major contributions are: first, while existing datasets do not have ground truth data relating to objects or semantic information, we, for the first time, provide large-scale ground truth data of 5,551 object segmentation with fine contours, and semantic attribute scores of these objects. Second, we make the image contents more suitable for statistical analysis of different object and semantic attributes by including multiple dominant objects in each image. This way by analyzing where fixations landed, statistical conclusions can be derived as to which objects/attributes attract attention. In comparison, a considerable number of images in existing datasets contain one dominant object in the center (such bias is common in photos, as human photographers place objects of interest in the center), which does not allow a direct comparison of different objects/attributes. Further, our new dataset contains a large number of object categories, including a sufficient number of objects with semantic meanings. The image contents and the labels allow quantitative analysis of object- and semantic-level attributes in driving gaze deployment. Examples of the image stimuli and eye-tracking data are illustrated in Figure 1, and Table 2 summarizes a comparison between several recent eye-tracking datasets and ours. 
Table 2
Comparison with other eye-tracking datasets.
Table 2
Comparison with other eye-tracking datasets.
Database MIT (Judd et al., 2009) FIFA (Cerf et al., 2009) Toronto (Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009) NUSEF (Ramanathan et al., 2010) OSIE
Images 1,003 200 120 758 700
Resolution 1024 × (405 1024) 1024 × 768 681 × 511 1024 × 728 800 × 600
Viewers per image 15 8 11 25.3 (75 subjects each viewing a random set of 400 images) 15
Viewing time per image 3 s 2 s 4 s 5 s 3 s
Theme / distinguishing features Every day scenes Images with faces Indoor and outdoor scenes Affective objects, e.g., expressive faces, nudes, unpleasant concepts, and interactive actions Every day scenes, many object categories with semantic meanings, multiple dominant objects per image
Ground truth annotation None Location of faces None ROIs, foreground segmentation for some objects (one object per image and 54 images), valence and arousal scores, text captions Object segmentation with fine contours for all objects (5,551) and semantic attribute labels for all objects
Experimental procedures
Fifteen subjects (undergraduate and graduate students ages 18–30 with uncorrected normal eyesight) free-viewed 700 images that comprised everyday indoor and outdoor scenes, as well as aesthetic photographs from Flickr and Google Images. These images were presented on a 22-in. LCD monitor. As subjects viewed the images, we used an Eyelink 1000 (SR Research, Osgoode, Canada) eye-tracking device to record eye movements at a sample rate of 2000 Hz. The eye-tracker system consisted of an infrared sensing camera placed alongside the computer monitor at a distance of about 26 in. from the subjects. The screen size was 47.39 × 29.62 cm (40.5° × 25.3°), with a pixel density of 90.1 ppi. The screen resolution was set to 1680 × 1050, and the 800 × 600 images were scaled to occupy the full screen height when presented on the display. Therefore, the visual angle of the stimuli was about 33.7° × 25.3°, and each degree of visual angle contained about 24 pixels in the 800 × 600 image. A chin-rest and a forehead-rest were used to stabilize the subject's head. All data were acquired from the right eyes. 
In the experiments, each image was presented for 3 s and followed by a drift correction, which required subjects to fixate in the center and press the space key to continue. We divided the viewing into two sessions, with 300 and 400 randomly ordered images respectively, and each session was completed within 1 hr, on average two days apart. The 700 images were separated into seven blocks. Before each block, a nine-point target display was used for calibration and a second one was used for validation. After each block subjects took a 5-min. break and did a memory test: 10 images from the last 100 images and 10 new images were presented to the subjects in random order, and they were asked to indicate which ones they had seen before. The purpose of this memory test was to motivate subjects to pay attention to the images. To avoid task-based priming of visual attention, we did not require the subjects to memorize the contents of the presented image stimuli, but only instructed them to free-view the images. Yet there might have been a memory component in later blocks when subjects explicitly knew the subsequent memory tests. Since the test was simple enough to pass and the subjects were not motivated to pursue a high score, we believe that the memory component did not likely play a role in altering subjects' gaze patterns when viewing the images. 
Statistics and analysis of the dataset
Most images in the OSIE dataset include multiple dominant objects in each image, allowing statistical comparisons of relevant importance of the attributes. In particular, among the 700 images, 682 include multiple (i.e., ≥2) dominant objects (i.e., dominant objects are defined to have more than 15 fixations in it). 
In the experimental setup, for a saccade to be detected, the velocity threshold is 22°/s by default, which is slightly sensitive to eye-tracking noises and therefore resulted in a few short fixations (less than 100 ms in duration). These unstable fixations were discarded to reduce the noises, so the minimum duration was limited to 100 ms, while the maximum lasted about 2 s. 
Consistent with previous findings (Tatler, 2007; Cerf et al., 2009; Judd et al., 2009; Zhao & Koch, 2013), our data display a center bias. Figure 4 shows the average human fixation map from all 700 images. Thirty-three percent of the fixations lie within the center 11% of the image, and 62% of fixations lie within the center 25% of the image. Compared with recent datasets where a large portion of images have one dominant object, which is commonly in the center of the image, center bias in our dataset is smaller (e.g., for the MIT dataset, 40% of fixations lie within the center 11% of the image, and 70% of fixations lie within the center 25% of the image; Judd et al., 2009). To confirm this, for both datasets, we then computed in each image the average distance (in visual angle) from all fixations to the image center, and compared them using a t test. It is shown that the distance of our dataset (7.83° ± 1.50°, mean ± SD) is significantly larger (p < 0.01) than that of the MIT dataset (5.76° ± 1.23°). 
Figure 4
Human fixations with (a) lowest and (b) highest entropies in the form of heat map overlapped to the original images. Images with lower entropies tend to have fewer objects while images with higher entropies often contain several different types of objects. (c) Histogram of the fixation map entropies. (d) Average saliency map combining all fixation data, which indicates a strong bias to the center of the image.
Figure 4
Human fixations with (a) lowest and (b) highest entropies in the form of heat map overlapped to the original images. Images with lower entropies tend to have fewer objects while images with higher entropies often contain several different types of objects. (c) Histogram of the fixation map entropies. (d) Average saliency map combining all fixation data, which indicates a strong bias to the center of the image.
Psychophysical fixation maps were constructed by convolving a fovea-sized (i.e., 24 pixels in the 800 × 600 image) Gaussian kernel over the successive fixation locations of all subjects viewing the images. The entropies of the fixation maps were measured to analyze the consistency/commonality of the viewing and calculated from fixation maps resized to 200 × 150. The entropy, which is higher if the corresponding image contains more objects, is a statistical measure of randomness to characterize the fixation map of each image, defined as Display FormulaImage not available where the vector p represents a histogram of n = 256 bins. Figure 4c shows the distribution of all entropies (3.37 ± 0.57). These entropies in our dataset are significantly smaller (p < 0.01) than those of the MIT dataset (Judd et al., 2009; 4.00 ± 0.75), as most of the images in our dataset contain distinct objects that consistently attract human attention. 
Methodology for manual object segmentation and semantic attribute labeling
Each image can be viewed as a collection of objects. In this dataset, we provided ground truth segmentation with fine object contours (5,551 objects on 700 images). In several recent eye-tracking datasets (Cerf et al., 2009; Ramanathan, Katti, Sebe, Kankanhalli, & Chua, 2010), bounding boxes around objects were labeled, but there were very few large-scale contoured object segmentations provided. The advantage of contours over bounding boxes is that it allows more accurate quantitative analysis. For example, fixations falling into the bounding box of the objects but not the real objects can be eliminated. Object centers that are often the focus of attention can also be more accurately estimated with fine contours. Another advantage is that some important information about saliency can only be measured by contour segmentation. For example, convexity is an important object-level attribute that describes the shape of the objects, and objects with low convexity values may indicate occluded objects. With bounding box labeling, such information would be lost. 
In this work, objects in the images are first segmented with a graph cuts algorithm, using the Interactive Segmentation Tool developed by McGuinness and O'Connor (2010). Image regions without any segmented objects are regarded as the background. Since there are a large number and variety of objects in natural scenes, to make the ground truth data least dependent on subjective judgments, we followed several guidelines for the segmentation: (a) objects that are either too small or too blurry to recognize are not segmented because of their loss of semantic meaning. (b) Objects that cover a large area or hide behind the main objects in the scene (e.g., sky, ocean, ground, wall, etc.) are regarded as background and are not extracted, as humans tend to ignore the background objects. (c) Objects of the same type that are piled or clustered are grouped as one object, but similar objects at different spatial locations are not grouped. (d) All objects relating to faces (frontal, profile, and back views of human, animal, and artificial faces, etc.) and text have been shown to be salient (Cerf et al., 2009), and are explicitly defined as objects. These guidelines provided a baseline for a more objective labeling process, and they generally worked well in practice. 
The distribution of the numbers of segmented objects per image are shown in Figure 5a. Semantic attributes are labeled on the objects with scores, as introduced in the above sections. The segmentation and labeling was done by paid subjects. We recruited 10 subjects who had experience in image editing to label the images. Each subject was randomly assigned a subset of the images (70 out of a total 700). The subjects were instructed to extract all foreground objects by labeling the fine object contours. We did not make assumptions as to which factors are more important to saliency to make sure the labeling was not biased. To increase cross-subject consistency, before labeling, we showed subjects several examples including humans, animals, vehicles, text, and tools as guidelines for labeling, and trained them to use the segmentation tools to label the contours. The ways to handle special cases like composite objects, occluded objects, and grouped objects were also demonstrated to the subjects. 
Figure 5
(a) Histogram of object numbers per image. (b) The percentages of fixations and objects labelled with each semantic attribute, along with those without any attribute (none). Below are the aggregated fixation maps for each semantic attribute (or none).
Figure 5
(a) Histogram of object numbers per image. (b) The percentages of fixations and objects labelled with each semantic attribute, along with those without any attribute (none). Below are the aggregated fixation maps for each semantic attribute (or none).
Figure 5b summarizes the percentages of objects and their corresponding fixations with each of the semantic attributes. Note that all pixel- and object-level attributes can be automatically calculated for each object, but each object only has some (or even none, like a piece of stone or an empty table) of the semantic attributes. In total, there are 86,768 fixations on the labeled objects. As seen in Figure 5b, 17.53% of them are on objects without semantic labels, while more than a quarter of these fixations are on faces. We have also plotted in the same figure the fixation map for each attribute (including one for no attribute). It can be observed that the center bias effects in these maps are slightly different; for example, fixations on faces are highly centered in the upper region of the screen. 
Experimental results
This section reports statistical analysis and computational experimental results on features, fixation distributions, and saliency models. We first discuss an observed “object center bias,” that is, humans tend to look at the centers of the objects, despite their semantic meanings. This bias is unique to objects and thus coupled with object- and semantic-level attributes. Secondly, statistical analysis of the proposed semantic attributes is carried out to quantitatively show the validity of each one. Third, across the three layers, we learn their relative importance in driving gaze allocation. Further analysis is performed on semantic attributes to investigate how fast they attract attention. Lastly, to demonstrate the importance of such object- and semantic- level information, we construct computational models and perform comparisons with different combinations of attributes in predicting saliency. Comparisons with several other recent saliency models are also included. 
Object center bias
For statistical analysis on how an object attracts attention, we first matched each fixation to a single object or the background by comparing its location against each object. If a fixation was inside an object, or its distance to the object boundary was less than a threshold, it was identified as a possible match. If a fixation had multiple possible matches, the nearest object (i.e., the one whose center location was the closest to the fixation) was chosen. The rest of the fixations were matched to the background. 
To analyze how the fixations are biased towards the object centers, we plotted all fixations in an object-centered coordinate system, where all object centers are translated to the origin. All fixations added together to form a summed fixation map centered in the origin. As shown in Figure 6, the spatial distribution of the fixations in the object-centered coordinate system can be approximated as a two-dimensional (2-D) normal distribution N(μ, Σ), where μ is the average fixation location in the object-centered coordinate system, and Display FormulaImage not available . Particularly, in our dataset, μ = (−0.02, 0.05) and σ = (1.86, 1.90), which means 82.32% fixations were within a 2° visual field in the horizontal direction to the object center, while 79.45% were in the vertical direction. These statistics agree with the finding that most fixations tend to fall around the centers of objects (Nuthmann & Henderson, 2010). 
Figure 6
(a) Fixations are object-centered. The grid interval is 1°. (b) Horizontal and (c) vertical distribution of fixations.
Figure 6
(a) Fixations are object-centered. The grid interval is 1°. (b) Horizontal and (c) vertical distribution of fixations.
While the bias toward the image centers is attributed to a variety of reasons like the experimental setup and strategic factors (Tatler, Baddeley, & Gilchrist, 2005; Zhao & Koch, 2011), the bias toward object centers relates largely to strategic advantages (i.e., center regions of objects generally contain more information about the objects). 
Analysis on each semantic attribute in saliency
Is each defined semantic attribute valid and reasonable? To answer this question, we next quantified how fixations are attracted to objects with defined semantic attributes compared to those without any defined attributes. We expected that objects with defined semantic attributes attract significantly more fixations than those without defined attributes, thus indicating that the defined semantic attributes are reasonable and valid. 
We categorized the semantic attribute of each fixation as it mapped onto an object. To analyze the validity of a particular attribute, we constrained the analysis to fixations from objects with only one attribute. For example, to analyze the impact of the “taste” attribute, all fixations were collected from objects that only had the label of “taste.” Note that one exception of this procedure was for the “face” and “emotion” attributes due to their tight correlation—each “emotion” label is on a “face.” To make each attribute in this analysis independent, the “face” group is split into “face with emotion” and “face without emotion.” We subsequently compared these fixations to a control group of fixations that are from objects that have no defined semantic attributes. Fixations were randomly and independently sampled and their saliency values from the corresponding saliency maps (i.e., ground truth fixation density maps from human data) were compared using a one-tailed t test (see Table 3). The false positive rate was set at 0.05/12 (Bonferroni correction for 12 comparisons in total; Bland & Altman, 1995). We found that the mean saliency for most semantic attributes was significantly larger than that of the control group, with the exception of “sound,” “smell,” “touch,” and “operability.” Our data suggest that our defined semantic attributes are valid and reasonable and have positive impacts on objects' saliency. 
Table 3
The t test results on the fixation densities of each semantic attribute.
Table 3
The t test results on the fixation densities of each semantic attribute.
Semantic attribute Number of fixations t(df) P
Face without emotion 16,591 125.8673 <0.0001
Face with emotion 5,148 126.0089 <0.0001
Touched 2,170 26.1691 <0.0001
Gazed 528 37.6065 <0.0001
Motion 8,047 25.9506 <0.0001
Sound 63 0.8475 0.8016
Smell 288 0.3652 0.6425
Taste 5,046 15.5250 <0.0001
Touch 2,592 0.9458 0.1721
Text 10,375 81.8678 <0.0001
Watchability 6,858 45.0752 <0.0001
Operability 1,998 1.5488 0.9393
None (control group) 10,815
Analysis on the relative attribute importance in saliency
We used an support vector machine (SVM) classification to analyze the proposed attributes and train the saliency model directly from human eye-tracking data (see Figure 7). For each image, we precomputed the feature maps for every pixel of the image resized to 200 × 150 and used the maps to train our model. Figure 8 shows the feature maps computed for a sample image. The pixel-level feature maps were generated with Itti et al.'s (1998) algorithm, while the object- and semantic- level feature maps were generated by placing a 2-D Gaussian kernel at each object's center, which models the object center bias effect that we discussed above. The Gaussian bandwidth approximates the standard deviation of the object center bias discussed above, which is 2° visual angle and 48 pixels in the images. The Gaussian kernel generally falls within the object region, and the magnitude of the Gaussian is the calculated object-level or manually labeled semantic-level feature value. 
Figure 7
An overview of the computational saliency model. The three levels of features are extracted from the input images. We use a pixel-based random sampling to collect the training data and train a linear SVM classifier with the relative attribute importance. Given a test image, the feature maps are linearly combined using the trained classifier to generate the saliency map.
Figure 7
An overview of the computational saliency model. The three levels of features are extracted from the input images. We use a pixel-based random sampling to collect the training data and train a linear SVM classifier with the relative attribute importance. Given a test image, the feature maps are linearly combined using the trained classifier to generate the saliency map.
Figure 8
An example of the pixel-, object-, and semantic- level feature maps. The fixation map of the image is shown in the top-left corner.
Figure 8
An example of the pixel-, object-, and semantic- level feature maps. The fixation map of the image is shown in the top-left corner.
To train and test this model, we divided our dataset into 500 training images and 200 testing images. From the ground truth fixation map of each image, 20 pixels were randomly sampled from the top 20% salient locations, and 60 pixels were sampled from the bottom 60% salient locations, yielding a training set of 10,000 positive samples and 30,000 negative samples. The use of a small coverage of salient regions and a relatively larger nonsalient area is the consideration of the interobserver congruency. That is, we chose only regions fixated by multiple subjects as salient regions, while leaving a large portion of the image as background where fewer fixations occur. This method is also consistent with the implementation in the MIT model (Judd et al., 2009). The purpose of choosing a 1 : 3 sampling ratio is to balance the distributions of positive and negative sample pixels in the same image, since a large portion of the less salient region is the background where no object or semantic attributes are sampled. The training samples were normalized to have zero mean and unit variance. The same parameters were used to normalize the test set. 
A linear SVM (Fan, Chang, Hsieh, Wang, & Lin, 2008) was first used to learn the weight of each pixel-, object-, and semantic-level attribute in determining its importance in attention allocation. The use of a linear integration method is motivated by the neuronal process mechanism of visual information. Linear SVM is also faster to compute, and the resulting weights of attributes are intuitive to understand—we also have tested logistic and LASSO type algorithms for the same purpose but have not found advantages in our specific tasks; therefore, an L2-regularized L2-loss SVM classification was applied and the misclassification cost c was set to 1. The learned weight of each attribute is shown in Figure 9a. For semantic attributes, consistent with previous findings (Cerf et al., 2009), face and text outweighed other attributes, followed by gazed, taste, and watchability. The face channel weighed the highest, largely attributed to the dedicated pathways on the human and primate visual systems to process faces. The high weight of the “gazed” channel shows the effect of a joint attention. Viewers readily detect the focus of attention from other people's eye gaze, and orient their own to the same location (Friesen & Kingstone, 1998; Nummenmaa & Calder, 2009). The weights of object-level attributes also agree with previous finding in figure-ground perception: that smaller, more convex regions tend to be in the foreground (Fowlkes et al., 2007). A complex shape contains more information, so it is also more salient than a simple one. The weight of eccentricity shows that longer shapes are less salient than round blob-like ones. 
Figure 9
(a) The learned weights of all attributes. Face far outweighs other semantic attributes, followed by text, gaze, and taste. (b) The importance of three levels of attributes.
Figure 9
(a) The learned weights of all attributes. Face far outweighs other semantic attributes, followed by text, gaze, and taste. (b) The importance of three levels of attributes.
We further compared the overall weights of the pixel-, object- and semantic-levels, by combining feature maps within each level into an intermediate saliency map of that particular level using the previously learned weights, and performed a second pass learning using the three intermediate maps. The learned weights of each level were 0.11, 0.21, and 0.68 for pixel, object, and semantic information, respectively, suggesting that semantic-level attributes attract attention most strongly, followed by object-level attributes. 
To further investigate the nature of the pixel-, object-, and semantic-level attributes in driving gaze, consistent with the time-dependent model of Gautier and Le Meur (2012), we calculated attributed weights as a function of fixation (i.e., computed weights using the first N fixations from all subjects) and compared the weights over time. 
For a number of attributes, a clear decreasing/increasing trend can be observed, suggesting that some attract attention faster than others. Specifically, three types of trends can be seen: (a) the weight decreases over time—when the training data include only the first fixations from all subjects, the weights of all pixel-level attributes, two object-level attributes (size and eccentricity), and three semantic-level attributes (face, emotion, and motion) are the largest, and they decrease monotonically as more fixations per image per subject are used (as shown in Figure 10a, 10b and 10c). It suggests that these attributes attract attention rapidly, especially for the face and emotion channels—which may be due to the fact that humans have a dedicated face region and pathway to process face-related information. (b) As shown in Figure 10e, the weights of text, sound, touch, touched, and gazed increase as viewing proceeds, indicating that although some of the attributes attract attention, they are not as rapid. (c) The weights of other semantic attributes including smell, taste, operability, and watchability do not show apparent trend over time, as illustrated in Figure 10f. The fact that attribute weights are time-dependent seems quite interesting, which enables us to predict the fixation order and the scanpath across the viewing time. In this work, the saliency prediction results are mostly computed based on all fixations in the viewing time (i.e., 3 s), to be directly comparable with other models in the state-of-the-art, time-dependent model similar to that of Zhao and Koch, 2011, with the proposed attributes considered as future work. 
Figure 10
Optimal weights with respect to viewing time for pixel-, object-, and semantic- level attributes. (a) The weights of the pixel-level attributes decrease consistently over time. (b) Object-level attributes whose weights decrease over time. (c) Object-level attribute whose weights increase over time. (d) Semantic-level attributes whose weights decrease over time attract attention rapidly. This is particular to face related information, in consistent with the fact that face has its dedicated processing region and pathway in human brains. (e) Semantic-level attributes whose weights increase over time attract attention not as rapidly. (f) Semantic-level attributes whose weights do not show an obvious trend over time.
Figure 10
Optimal weights with respect to viewing time for pixel-, object-, and semantic- level attributes. (a) The weights of the pixel-level attributes decrease consistently over time. (b) Object-level attributes whose weights decrease over time. (c) Object-level attribute whose weights increase over time. (d) Semantic-level attributes whose weights decrease over time attract attention rapidly. This is particular to face related information, in consistent with the fact that face has its dedicated processing region and pathway in human brains. (e) Semantic-level attributes whose weights increase over time attract attention not as rapidly. (f) Semantic-level attributes whose weights do not show an obvious trend over time.
Quantitative and qualitative comparisons of computational saliency models
We performed quantitative and qualitative comparisons of our models with different combinations of attributes, as well as comparisons with several other recent saliency models. Particularly the comparison models included the MIT model (Judd et al., 2009), the Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) model (Harel, Koch, & Perona, 2007), the GBVS combined with a face detector (GBVS+VJ; Cerf et al., 2009), the Image Signature model by Hou et al. (2012), the Attention based on Information Maximization (AIM) model (Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009), the SUN bottom-up model (Zhang, Tong, Marks, Shan, & Cottrell, 2008), and the Itti et al. (1998) model. An ROC analysis is shown in Figure 11a. Our saliency models were generated by a weighted linear combination of the feature maps using the learned weights of each attribute. We also evaluated the performance of linear combination with uniform weights (UW), where all attributes were assumed to equally contribute to the saliency prediction. The ROC curve was plotted by varying the saliency percentage to cover all possible ranges of values the saliency map predicts. 
Figure 11
(a) The ROC curves and the raw AUC values (in parentheses) of models trained with different sets of attributes compared with other saliency models, as well as human and chance. For a fair comparison, the MIT model is trained on the same training set as our method, without the original “distance to center” channel. (b) The normalized AUC values of each model. Note that the normalized AUC of a model is not obtained by a direct division of its raw AUC by that of human performance; instead it is calculated on each single test image first and then averaged to get the normalized AUC value of the model.
Figure 11
(a) The ROC curves and the raw AUC values (in parentheses) of models trained with different sets of attributes compared with other saliency models, as well as human and chance. For a fair comparison, the MIT model is trained on the same training set as our method, without the original “distance to center” channel. (b) The normalized AUC values of each model. Note that the normalized AUC of a model is not obtained by a direct division of its raw AUC by that of human performance; instead it is calculated on each single test image first and then averaged to get the normalized AUC value of the model.
Figure 11b shows the area under the ROC curve (AUC) for each model. We normalized the AUC values by an “ideal AUC” (Cerf et al., 2009), which measures how well the fixations of each subject can be predicted by those of the other n – 1 subjects. The computation was done by iterating over all n subjects and averaging the AUC scores of all the predictions. It reflects the performance of humans and serves as an upper bound to the performance of a computational model. In the comparison we use the same parameter for blurring for all models in this experiment, which approximates 1° of the visual field. In addition, the MIT model is trained on the same training set as our method, without the original “distance to center” channel, for a fair comparison. 
From Figure 11, we make the following key observations: (a) To obtain a better performance, we can add semantic-level information to models with pixel-level information only. Further, the richer and the more complete the semantic contents, the better the performance—our model with 12 base semantic attributes performs better than the GBVS+VJ (Cerf et al., 2009) and MIT (Judd et al., 2009) models that include only one to three sample object categories. (b) Object-level information is also important in saliency. Without semantic attributes, our model with pixel- and object-level attributes performs better than other models (Harel et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2008; Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009; Cerf et al., 2009; Judd et al., 2009; Hou et al., 2012). (c) Our model with pixel-level information outperforms the classic Itti et al. (1998) model, despite the same attributes used, indicating that different attributes contribute differently to saliency, and taking it into account improves saliency prediction. 
For a qualitative assessment, maps of our object saliency model and the compared models are demonstrated in Figure 12. First, our model predicts semantically meaningful objects (e.g., faces, texts) to be more salient than other objects and the background. These examples show that compared to the uniform weighting, the weights learned from eye data lead to more accurate predictions that differentiate the most salient objects from the least salient ones. Second, the proposed method scales well to a large number of categories in real life. While other models, including a couple of detectors, accurately predict the encoded categories as salient (e.g., face detection in GBVS+VJ; Cerf et al., 2009), our model predicts general objects (e.g., the black cat in Figure 12e) reasonably well without the incorporation of any object detectors. Third, within an object, the center regions are highlighted in our saliency maps consistent with human behaviors. In comparison, in saliency maps based on pixel-level attributes only, object boundaries are usually predicted to be more salient due to higher pixel-level contrast. One limitation of the current model is its degenerated performance on crowded scenes with multiple objects of the same category (e.g., the keyboard in Figure 12g and the text in Figure 12h). It is partially due to the difficulty in deciding whether to group objects together or consider them as individual objects, and possibly due to the more sophisticated strategies of humans to fixate on some of the objects instead of others, despite the objects being of the same type. Saliency in crowded environments is also an interesting topic worthy of future investigations. 
Figure 12
The qualitative results generated by the proposed saliency models in comparison with the state-of-the-art. UW = Uniform Weighting of all attributes.
Figure 12
The qualitative results generated by the proposed saliency models in comparison with the state-of-the-art. UW = Uniform Weighting of all attributes.
From the analysis results, although the proposed saliency model has been built upon the common and natural free-viewing task to avoid top-down biases, semantic attributes (e.g., face, text, gazed, etc.) still contribute more than lower-level ones to the allocation of visual attention, which agrees with previous studies in various aspects (Friesen & Kingstone, 1998; Vuilleumier, 2000; Ro et al., 2001; Bindemann et al., 2005; Bindemann et al., 2007; Onat et al., 2007; Cerf et al., 2009; Schirmer et al., 2011). The object-level attributes proposed in this work are also shown to be strongly correlated with attention selection, consistent with several related works (Craft et al., 2007; Einhäuser et al., 2008; Mihalas et al., 2010; Nuthmann & Henderson, 2010). 
The use of a task-free paradigm with a 3-s viewing period is in line with various studies modeling saliency in the allocation of visual attention (e.g., Parkhurst, Law, & Niebur, 2002; Açik, Onat, Schumann, Einhäuser, & König, 2009, in which a 5-s free-viewing paradigm is applied). Several recent datasets (Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009; Cerf et al., 2009; Judd et al., 2009; Ramanathan et al., 2010) all set the free-viewing time to 2–5 s per image. In our paradigm, the 3-s design is mostly motivated by the following factors: The duration provided sufficient time to sample various locations and objects in a natural image. If the viewing duration is too short, subjects might not have enough time to sample locations or objects that are also important, especially with the presence of a center bias. On the other hand, if the viewing duration is too long, as the viewing proceeded, top-down or other factors (for example, subjects feel bored, tired, or distracted) come into play and fixations become noisier. Further, to view 700 images, this viewing duration makes the total experimental time feasible in practice. It has been suggested to use a task-dependent paradigm with variable viewing durations to minimize psychological expectations and reduce unwanted top-down strategies (Tatler, Baddeley, & Gilchrist, 2005). However, there might be an interactive effect of the number of interesting objects in a scene and the viewing duration. The viewing strategy might be influenced by the top-down instruction and thus the viewing might become unnatural to reveal pure bottom-up saliency. 
There has been a debate on picture-viewing paradigms and saliency-based schemes in modeling gaze allocation in scene viewing. Tatler, Hayhoe, Land, and Ballard (2011) argued that models built from the simple free-viewing paradigm (i.e., subjects view static scenes for a few seconds in laboratory settings) are difficult to be generalized to natural behavior. We agree that one major issue of the purely bottom-up saliency model is the lack of real-world tasks. Indeed, top-down influences like experience, reward, and contextual priors should be taken into account for a more complete model in complex scene viewing like in the natural settings. In this work, modeling object and semantic attributes in the data-driven framework is an attempt to learn the task-free object viewing experiences of humans. The framework can also adapt to accommodate other top-down influences by including a set of task-relevant attribute weights. In other words, even when subjects follow the task instruction to search for targets, our saliency model is still able to predict fixations. In comparison with previous top-down models—for example, the computational model proposed by Wischnewski, Belardinelli, Schneider, and Steil, 2010, which combines proto-objects and top-down tasks with bottom-up saliency—our model focuses more on the common and task-free attributes of the objects, for example, their semantic meanings. As suggested by the pedestrian searching model (Ehinger, Hidalgo-Sotelo, Torralba, & Oliva, 2009) and the SUN top-down model (Kanan, Tong, Zhang, & Cottrell, 2009), the target-related context guidance (Torralba, Oliva, Castelhano, & Henderson, 2006) that guides attention to the locations that an object is likely to appear could be an useful extension in visual search tasks. The weighted linear combination could also be replaced with a weighted product method, which seems to be more adequate at predicting the overall fixation distribution in visual search tasks (Hwang, Higgins, & Pomplun, 2009). Recently, Hwang, Wang, and Pomplun (2011) investigated the influence of semantic similarity among scene objects on eye movements in visual search. At the core of their work is a high dimensional “semantic space” from the text corpus, and thus the similarity of each pair of words can be calculated as the cosine value of the angle between the two corresponding vectors in the space. Their semantic relations are formed at a conceptual level rather than a visual level, which has been pointed out by the authors as a limitation of the work, as the latter is a practically difficult problem. The proposed work naturally approaches the problem as the modeling of the small set of semantic attributes at a visual level is much more feasible than the original intractable set of semantic entities. The attribute-based framework is thus able to scale well and characterize a wide variety of semantic objects, without the requirement of text labels, as did in Hwang et al. (2011)
Recent neurophysiological and psychophysics experiments have suggested the importance of object- and semantic-level information in visual perception. To fill the semantic gap between the saliency models and human behavioral data, we propose a three-layered architecture for saliency modeling, and for the first time, we have explicitly and principally modeled saliency at the object and semantic levels. We have constructed a vocabulary at three levels to capture inherent mechanisms in gaze allocation and learn their relevant importance in saliency. By combining the set of attributes we are able to describe any object categories, therefore overcoming the current problem with adding limited number (usually ≤3) of object detectors into saliency models, which does not scale well in the real world. To validate our proposed framework and for future research on object and semantic saliency in the community, a large eye-tracking dataset with 700 images and eye-tracking data with 15 viewers has been constructed and is publicly available with the paper. In the dataset we have also for the first time provided large-scale object segmentation with fine contours (5,551 objects) and annotation of 12 semantic attributes for all the objects. Experiments demonstrate the importance of object and semantic information in predicting human gaze. 
The authors would like to thank Dr. Christof Koch and members of the Koch Lab at Caltech for valuable comments. This research was partially supported by the Singapore NRF under its IRC@SG Funding Initiative and administered by the IDMPO, and the Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 (No.R-263-000-648-133). 
Commercial relationships: none. 
Corresponding author: Qi Zhao. 
Address: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 
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Figure 1
Human fixations attracted by object-level and semantic-level attributes. The leftmost images of simple objects show the effect that most fixation points are allocated near object centers. The four columns of images to the right show that various types of semantic cues (taste, face, text, and gaze) have consistently high fixation density.
Figure 1
Human fixations attracted by object-level and semantic-level attributes. The leftmost images of simple objects show the effect that most fixation points are allocated near object centers. The four columns of images to the right show that various types of semantic cues (taste, face, text, and gaze) have consistently high fixation density.
Figure 2
Illustration of object-level attributes: (a) size, convexity, solidity, complexity, and (b) eccentricity.
Figure 2
Illustration of object-level attributes: (a) size, convexity, solidity, complexity, and (b) eccentricity.
Figure 3
Example images illustrating semantic attributes. Each column is a list of objects with each semantic attribute and the last column shows sample objects without any defined semantic attributes.
Figure 3
Example images illustrating semantic attributes. Each column is a list of objects with each semantic attribute and the last column shows sample objects without any defined semantic attributes.
Figure 4
Human fixations with (a) lowest and (b) highest entropies in the form of heat map overlapped to the original images. Images with lower entropies tend to have fewer objects while images with higher entropies often contain several different types of objects. (c) Histogram of the fixation map entropies. (d) Average saliency map combining all fixation data, which indicates a strong bias to the center of the image.
Figure 4
Human fixations with (a) lowest and (b) highest entropies in the form of heat map overlapped to the original images. Images with lower entropies tend to have fewer objects while images with higher entropies often contain several different types of objects. (c) Histogram of the fixation map entropies. (d) Average saliency map combining all fixation data, which indicates a strong bias to the center of the image.
Figure 5
(a) Histogram of object numbers per image. (b) The percentages of fixations and objects labelled with each semantic attribute, along with those without any attribute (none). Below are the aggregated fixation maps for each semantic attribute (or none).
Figure 5
(a) Histogram of object numbers per image. (b) The percentages of fixations and objects labelled with each semantic attribute, along with those without any attribute (none). Below are the aggregated fixation maps for each semantic attribute (or none).
Figure 6
(a) Fixations are object-centered. The grid interval is 1°. (b) Horizontal and (c) vertical distribution of fixations.
Figure 6
(a) Fixations are object-centered. The grid interval is 1°. (b) Horizontal and (c) vertical distribution of fixations.
Figure 7
An overview of the computational saliency model. The three levels of features are extracted from the input images. We use a pixel-based random sampling to collect the training data and train a linear SVM classifier with the relative attribute importance. Given a test image, the feature maps are linearly combined using the trained classifier to generate the saliency map.
Figure 7
An overview of the computational saliency model. The three levels of features are extracted from the input images. We use a pixel-based random sampling to collect the training data and train a linear SVM classifier with the relative attribute importance. Given a test image, the feature maps are linearly combined using the trained classifier to generate the saliency map.
Figure 8
An example of the pixel-, object-, and semantic- level feature maps. The fixation map of the image is shown in the top-left corner.
Figure 8
An example of the pixel-, object-, and semantic- level feature maps. The fixation map of the image is shown in the top-left corner.
Figure 9
(a) The learned weights of all attributes. Face far outweighs other semantic attributes, followed by text, gaze, and taste. (b) The importance of three levels of attributes.
Figure 9
(a) The learned weights of all attributes. Face far outweighs other semantic attributes, followed by text, gaze, and taste. (b) The importance of three levels of attributes.
Figure 10
Optimal weights with respect to viewing time for pixel-, object-, and semantic- level attributes. (a) The weights of the pixel-level attributes decrease consistently over time. (b) Object-level attributes whose weights decrease over time. (c) Object-level attribute whose weights increase over time. (d) Semantic-level attributes whose weights decrease over time attract attention rapidly. This is particular to face related information, in consistent with the fact that face has its dedicated processing region and pathway in human brains. (e) Semantic-level attributes whose weights increase over time attract attention not as rapidly. (f) Semantic-level attributes whose weights do not show an obvious trend over time.
Figure 10
Optimal weights with respect to viewing time for pixel-, object-, and semantic- level attributes. (a) The weights of the pixel-level attributes decrease consistently over time. (b) Object-level attributes whose weights decrease over time. (c) Object-level attribute whose weights increase over time. (d) Semantic-level attributes whose weights decrease over time attract attention rapidly. This is particular to face related information, in consistent with the fact that face has its dedicated processing region and pathway in human brains. (e) Semantic-level attributes whose weights increase over time attract attention not as rapidly. (f) Semantic-level attributes whose weights do not show an obvious trend over time.
Figure 11
(a) The ROC curves and the raw AUC values (in parentheses) of models trained with different sets of attributes compared with other saliency models, as well as human and chance. For a fair comparison, the MIT model is trained on the same training set as our method, without the original “distance to center” channel. (b) The normalized AUC values of each model. Note that the normalized AUC of a model is not obtained by a direct division of its raw AUC by that of human performance; instead it is calculated on each single test image first and then averaged to get the normalized AUC value of the model.
Figure 11
(a) The ROC curves and the raw AUC values (in parentheses) of models trained with different sets of attributes compared with other saliency models, as well as human and chance. For a fair comparison, the MIT model is trained on the same training set as our method, without the original “distance to center” channel. (b) The normalized AUC values of each model. Note that the normalized AUC of a model is not obtained by a direct division of its raw AUC by that of human performance; instead it is calculated on each single test image first and then averaged to get the normalized AUC value of the model.
Figure 12
The qualitative results generated by the proposed saliency models in comparison with the state-of-the-art. UW = Uniform Weighting of all attributes.
Figure 12
The qualitative results generated by the proposed saliency models in comparison with the state-of-the-art. UW = Uniform Weighting of all attributes.
Table 1
Semantic-level attributes.
Table 1
Semantic-level attributes.
Name Description
Face Back, profile, and frontal faces.
Emotion Faces with obvious emotions.
Touched Objects touched by a human or animal in the scene.
Gazed Objects gazed upon by a human or animal in the scene.
Motion Moving/flying objects, including humans/animals with meaningful gestures.
Sound Objects producing sound (e.g., a talking person, a musical instrument).
Smell Objects with a scent (e.g., a flower, a fish, a glass of wine).
Taste Food, drink, and anything that can be tasted.
Touch Objects with a strong tactile feeling (e.g., a sharp knife, a fire, a soft pillow, a cold drink).
Text Digits, letters, words, and sentences.
Watchability Man-made objects designed to be watched (e.g., a picture, a display screen, a traffic sign).
Operability Natural or man-made tools used by holding or touching with hands.
Table 2
Comparison with other eye-tracking datasets.
Table 2
Comparison with other eye-tracking datasets.
Database MIT (Judd et al., 2009) FIFA (Cerf et al., 2009) Toronto (Bruce & Tsotsos, 2009) NUSEF (Ramanathan et al., 2010) OSIE
Images 1,003 200 120 758 700
Resolution 1024 × (405 1024) 1024 × 768 681 × 511 1024 × 728 800 × 600
Viewers per image 15 8 11 25.3 (75 subjects each viewing a random set of 400 images) 15
Viewing time per image 3 s 2 s 4 s 5 s 3 s
Theme / distinguishing features Every day scenes Images with faces Indoor and outdoor scenes Affective objects, e.g., expressive faces, nudes, unpleasant concepts, and interactive actions Every day scenes, many object categories with semantic meanings, multiple dominant objects per image
Ground truth annotation None Location of faces None ROIs, foreground segmentation for some objects (one object per image and 54 images), valence and arousal scores, text captions Object segmentation with fine contours for all objects (5,551) and semantic attribute labels for all objects
Table 3
The t test results on the fixation densities of each semantic attribute.
Table 3
The t test results on the fixation densities of each semantic attribute.
Semantic attribute Number of fixations t(df) P
Face without emotion 16,591 125.8673 <0.0001
Face with emotion 5,148 126.0089 <0.0001
Touched 2,170 26.1691 <0.0001
Gazed 528 37.6065 <0.0001
Motion 8,047 25.9506 <0.0001
Sound 63 0.8475 0.8016
Smell 288 0.3652 0.6425
Taste 5,046 15.5250 <0.0001
Touch 2,592 0.9458 0.1721
Text 10,375 81.8678 <0.0001
Watchability 6,858 45.0752 <0.0001
Operability 1,998 1.5488 0.9393
None (control group) 10,815

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