To provide context for results in LO and pF, the sensitivity of EVC to each dimension was also analyzed. In addition to the expected sensitivity to pair elevation,
t(6) = 5.2,
p = 0.001, activity patterns in EVC showed significant although comparatively weak sensitivity to pair content,
t(6) = 2.1,
p = 0.04, and somewhat greater sensitivity to configuration,
t(6) = 6.2,
p = 0.0004, during the repetition-detection task (
Figure 6). This combination of results is counterintuitive, since sensitivity to configuration presumably depends upon sensitivity to object form. In this case, however, sensitivity to configuration likely reflects the pattern-averaging scheme that was employed to avoid contamination of activity patterns during the RPS task with signals related to behavioral responses. As described in the
Methods section, content sensitivity was measured using comparisons among patterns that were the averages of the patterns evoked by the two configurations of each object pair, while configuration sensitivity was measured using comparisons between patterns that were the averages of those evoked by the two patterns that included a given object at a single position. Because the same averaging scheme applied to the stimuli themselves (rather than the patterns they evoked) would likely produce retinal images that differed more between configurations than between object contents, greater sensitivity to configuration than content should be expected in regions characterized by high-resolution retinotopy. (Image analysis confirming this assertion can be found in
Supplemental Figure 3.) During the RPS task, EVC showed a nearly significant improvement in sensitivity to pair content,
t(6) = 1.93,
p = 0.051, a nonsignificant decrease in sensitivity to configuration (two-tailed
t test;
t(6) = −1.8,
p = 0.13), and a nonsignificant improvement in elevation sensitivity,
t(6) = 1.5,
p = 0.09. Correlation differentials for each hemisphere followed an almost identical profile, except that that the improvement in content sensitivity reached formal significance in left EVC,
t(6) = 2.04,
p = 0.043, but not in right EVC,
t(6) = 1.77,
p = 0.063; both hemispheres showed no significant effect of task on correlation differentials for either configuration or elevation.