A further source of errors stems from the identification decision: In the present model, when an item is selected, its identity is faultlessly determined. However, in reality, it is reasonable to assume that a target could be mistaken for a nontarget, and vice versa. These types of identification mistakes can be incorporated in future versions of CGS by modeling an imperfect identification process as a two-boundary diffusion (Ratcliff & McKoon,
2008), as a race model (Pike,
1973; Van Zandt, Colonius, & Proctor,
2000; Usher, Olami, & McClelland,
2002; Brown & Heathcote,
2008), or as a leaky-competing accumulator (Usher & McClelland,
2001). When we add the possibility of misidentification, CGS can easily account not only for the target-absent RT and miss data pattern of the prevalence effect, but also for false alarms. Specifically, it has been empirically shown that as target prevalence increases, false-alarm rates increase (while, concomitantly, miss rates decrease and target-absent RTs increase; Wolfe, Horowitz, & Kenner,
2005; Wolfe & Van Wert,
2010). Wolfe and Van Wert (
2010) proposed that the prolonged target-absent RTs can be accounted for by a strategic shift in the termination criterion, leading to more items to be selected and checked for target identity. Checking more items increases mean target-absent RTs and reduces miss rates. As argued above, in the present model, this change in the termination criterion could be implemented as a decreased Δ
wquit. Adding the possibility of misidentification to the present model can also, possibly, explain the empirical false-alarm rate pattern: When nontargets may be mistakenly identified as targets (generating false alarms), the overall false-alarm rate increases as more items are identified, because the probability that at least one of the identification errs builds up according to 1 – (1 −
k, where
p is the probability of a false alarm in one identification cycle and
k is the number of cycles. However, apart from these qualitative considerations, it remains to be investigated how well the present model extended for misidentification can account for RT distribution and error data with target prevalence manipulations. Note that the Wolfe and Van Wert model was designed to account for RT means rather than distributions, as each selection and identification was counted simply as one cycle of a fixed duration. It remains to be seen whether their model could be elaborated to account for RT distributions as well and how it would compare to an extended CGS.